One Last Attempt At Peace

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Small council chambers

Taeron had sat at the head of the table in the small council chambers for the second time today. Ser Vaemond had asked to see the crown prince and the princess consort, and the both of them knew that Ser Vaemond was trying to get into favor with them.

"Hold your nerve, my prince, what we do l, we do for the good of the realm." Otto said, knowing that the prince was annoyed that Ser Vaemond thought that he could be bought.

Taeron sighed. "I must confess, a certain uneasiness now this is at hand. Lord Corlys may yet live."

"But we must be prepared if he does not." Ser Vaemond said, and he sat down on a chair.

"The realm has enjoyed a long peace, a credit to the work of both king Jaehaerys and king Viserys, but the threat of war looms and may arrive on our shores. When it does, will you want a child at the command of the greatest fleet in Westeros?" Otto asked.

"I never said I'm willing to let a child command the fleet." Taeron said.

"But our grandchild is Lord Corlys' great grandchild. We can not simply throw him away as he was some dying horse." Alicent pointed out.

"My wife is right, but as heir I must of course...act in the interest of our subjects." Taeron said.

"The next Lord of the Tides will be deep in your debt, my prince, as will Driftmark and all its strength." Vaemond said.

"If only you knew what that meant, Ser Vaemond." Taeron said, and Otto looked down. "Ser Otto can't sneeze without me knowing about it. He knows the consequences of betraying me. I have more than half the realm in my debt, Ser Vaemond. Are you sure that you're willing to be a part of the many?" Taeron asked.

"If it means that Driftmark thrives under its rightful heir, then yes, my prince." Vaemond said.

"As I've said this morning. I will hear what prince Vaegon and princess Rhaenyra have to say, and then the crown will make a decision." He got up from his chair as did Alicent, Otto and Vaemond, Taeron then walked to Vaemond. "You want Driftmark, and I have the power to give it to you, but if you ever look at my daughter-in-law and her sisters with lust filled eyes again, I'll take your eyes." Taeron and Alicent left the small council chambers.


Rhaenys was staring at the weirwood tree while listening to the birds chirping. She had a lot on her mind, and her thoughts were interrupted by Vaelas voice.

"Grandmother." She and Rhaena walked to Rhaenys, and Vaela was carrying Aemon. They were accompanied by Rhaenyra.

"Vaela, Rhaena, and this must be little Aemon?" She inquired.

"Yes, grandmother, would you like to hold him?" Vaela asked.

"Yes, please." Vaela then handed her son over to Rhaenys, and she gripped her finger and started biting it.

"What a lovely boy you have, Vaela. I'm so proud of you, and I know that your mother would be as well." She said. All of Laenas daughters looked like her, and it saddened Rhaenys, but it also warmed her heart to know that her daughter lives within her granddaughters.

"Thank you, grandmother." Vaela said, and Rhaenys handed Baelon back to his mother.

"Rhaena." She greeted her other granddaughters. "You've grown too beautiful."

"Thank you, grandmother." Rhaena said, their reunion was interrupted by Rhaenyra.

"Baela said you might be here. She's done well as your ward. You've...raised her admirably." She said.

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