A Feast And A Wedding

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Red Keep

Taeron arrived where his family was dining, Viserys had already sat at the head, and Rhaenyra sat next to him on his left, and Taerons chair was on his right.

"I wish to let you all know that I am happy to see each and every one of you, but tonight is not about that, tonight we celebrate my first grandson and granddaughters wedding in two days time." Viserys smiled.

Aegon smiled at his grandfather while holding Vaelas' hand. Viserys wasn't as bad, he was thin, but the herbs given to him by Grandmaester Orwyle and maester Kaeyron seemed to have been working, but it wouldn't stop the inevitable, just slow it down.

"My son, can you take over for me?" Viserys asked Taeron.

"Of course, father." He said, Thanks to Aegon, Taeron had been trying to forgive his father. Taeron was about to speak but was interrupted by Vaegon.

"Don't mind me being late, I just needed to wash my mouth." He said still in pain from the punch that Taeron delivered moments ago.

Taeron sighed. "As your grandfather said, tonight is a joyous occasion, for in two days time, my heir, my pride will be wedded, he will ascend the throne after me and he will thrive as a great ruler, I would even argue that he will be a greater ruler than even I."

"Hear hear." Alicent said.

"I'm proud of you, my son." Taeron said. He was on the verge of tears at this point. He loved all his children, but nothing in this world made him happier than the day that Aegon was born. "Vaela, he will be a good husband, and I myself can't wait to call you daughter."

"Thank you, my prince." Vaela said," She knows now why realm feared Vaegon and respected Taeron. He would go above and beyond for his family, and now she could be a part of that family.

Everyone toasted and drank their wine, except for Rhaegar, he would only drink water for the next few days, he did not want to drink wine with Vaegon around, he was prepared for anything that his uncle would do, he would protect his parents, his sister-wife, his children and all his siblings from him.

The royal family dined, and things were going well until Vaegon wanted to propose a toast.

"I'd like to propose a toast." Vaegon started.

"Vaegon-" Rhaenyra tried to protest, but Vaegon continued.

"To Taeron, my brother, my twin, thank you for making our father look more alive, and for ruling Seven Kingdoms all but in name." He looked at Vaela and Aegon. "I truly hope for your sake that you do not hurt my daughter for your sake." Vaegon threatened Aegon.

"Hear hear." Duncan said and raised his cup. While Duncan enjoyed his father's toast, Rhaella and Aemond exchanged looks. They wanted each other. Rhaella bit her lip seductively, and Aemond smiled at her.

Taeron looked at his brother. He wasn't angry, but he knew that Vaegon was drunk. Otto shook his head in irritation for Vaegon. Alicent held Taerons hand to calm him down, as did Aegon with Vaela. It was obvious that Aegon got his patience from his mother.

"Where are Jace and Luke?" Viserys asked.

"They will arrive later with Baela, father." Rhaenyra answered.

"Good, I wish to see all my grandchildren,  I'm sure Aemma will see them as well when they return." He said, his mind was wasting away. He truly believed that his wives were still alive.

"She's not here, father." Taeron said.

"Yes, you killed her, remember?" Vaegon asked.

"Enough." Taeron glared at his brother. "Father, perhaps you should get some rest, I will inform you when Jace, Luke, and Baela arrive."

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