26 - You Are In Love

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"No proof, one touch. But you felt enough."

* five months later *

The sun peeks through the white curtains of your bedroom, the warmth from the rays beating into the room, a sign of Southern California September.

You throw your arm to the side, your hand landing on the lump of sheets next to you.

The lump stirs beneath your touch and groans as it wakes.

You roll to face each other and reach out to touch the cheek of the woman you've gotten used to waking up next to. "Good morning, love."

Emily hums and shifts towards you, her head tucking into your neck beneath your chin. You slide your arms under the covers, running your hands over every inch of her back and kissing her forehead.

"I don't wanna get up," Emily groans, nestling further into your body. You might have been living together these past few months, but there's something about the way Emily's body fitting against yours that will never stop giving you butterflies.

"It's our first day of work together," you say gently, twirling the ends of her hair between your hands.

"Y/N, we worked together on the last movie," Emily chuckles groggily.

"Not like this, Em! We're co-stars now! I've always wanted to be an actress. You know that! Now I get to be one," you explain.

"It's not really acting when we're in love in real life," Emily props herself up on her elbows on her stomach.

"What was that you just said?" You smirk. "You're in love with me?"

"Don't make me say it again."

You sit up against the headboard and pull Emily onto your lap. She straddles your waist, and you wrap your arms around hers. You kiss her lips then down her neck and her chest. She leans her head back at the touch of your lips, and your grip around her waist tightens.

"We really have to go, love," you say between kisses.

"Do we?" Emily giggles as the bridges of your noses touch. "I could do this all day."

"Emily!" You cup either side of her face to pull her back from you. "I love you, but this is the biggest day of my life. We have to go."

"Biggest day of your life?" Emily sticks out her lower lip in her signature pouty face and plays with the diamond ring on her finger.

"You're impossible," you push up from the bed and go into the bathroom to put on a fresh change of clothes, brush your hair and teeth, and get ready for the first day of shooting of your first movie.

"Were you nervous on your first day?" You call back to Emily who still lays lazily in the bed that is not yours nor hers but what you would call ours.

"Of course, I was nervous," Emily blurts out before catching herself, "But that's only because I wasn't familiar with my cast mates. There's no reason to be nervous, love. Excited, sure. But I'm going to be right there next to you all day!"

You sigh, "Okay."

"On the other hand," Emily leans against the doorframe of the bathroom, "I'm nervous."

"Funny," you scoff and kiss Emily on the cheek as you pass.

"I'm serious, Y/N," Emily turns around to face you again, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay, baby, why would you be nervous?" You ask her.

"I'm nervous that I'm going to meet another hot makeup artist that makes me weak at the knees, and I'm going to have no other choice but to fall for her," Emily says this seriously, but you catch a smirk tugging at the edge of her lips.

"It's days like these when I need a reminder as to why I asked you to marry me," you laugh, throwing on a pair of jeans and a flannel top.

Emily comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist. Pushed up against the dresser in the bedroom you share, you turn to face her. Your fingers trace the familiar lines of her face. Her jawline, her cheekbones, her chin, her collarbone.

"You know, Em?" You lower your mouth to hers, your lips brushing together as you talk but not leaning in to kiss her. Not yet. That's something she has to work for.

"What's that?" Emily responds as your hands slip around her waist to her lower back.

"This movie is going to be easy."

"Why the change of heart? You were just freaking out about how nervous you were," Emily's forehead leans against yours.

"Because you're right. It's not acting if we're in love in real life," you smile.

"What did you say? You love me?" Emily smiles back, that crinkle forming in the corners of her eyes that made you fall for her the first day on the job.

"I'm in love with you, Emily Blunt, and I don't care who knows it."

"You can hear it in the silence. You can feel it on the way home. You can see it with the lights out. You are in love. True love."

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