16 - The Moment I Knew

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"I try not to fall apart."

Nolan pushes through the door of Louis's bedroom unannounced. Startled, Louis throws his phone across the room and onto his bed, his mum still on the other end of the line.

"What the hell, Fitzgerald?" Nolan stalks towards Louis, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him towards himself.

"Nolan," Emily shoots her boyfriend a warning look, but he ignores her.

"Saying that stuff about me and Emily? What are you trying to do?" Nolan lowers his face so that it's right in front of Louis who pulls his head back into his neck as much as possible, like a turtle retracting into its shell.

"What are you talking about?" Louis replies, his voice shaking and his eyes glued onto the floor, doing everything in his power to avoid looking at the man in front of him.

"Your little interview with the press? It's everywhere."

"What?" Louis finally meets Nolan's furious gaze, "They told me they wouldn't air it."

"Well, they did," Nolan scoffs and shoves Louis back onto his bed behind him.

Emily steps inbetween her boyfriend and Louis, placing her hand on his chest, "It's really not that big of a deal, Nolan."

"Not that big of a deal?" Nolan takes a step back from his girlfriend and puts his hands over his head. "Yeah, you must not have heard what he said."

Emily turns to you for an answer to the piece of the puzzle that she's missing, as she's the only person in the room who doesn't know.

You shove your hands in the pockets of your sweatpants and stare at the floor, fearing any interaction with Emily after your encounter with her boyfriend in the dressing room. Your career you would gamble with. But not Emily's.

"Can you pull it up?" Nolan asks you impatiently.

You nod, and the group follows you into the living room. You don't want Emily to see it. You don't want Nolan to see it again either. But you're afraid you don't have a choice in the matter. It'll look more suspicious if you refuse. Besides, there's a chance that Nolan has no idea that Louis is talking about you.

You sit down on the couch, Emily comfortably finding a spot next to you as if it's her own home. She pulls one knee up to her chest and chews on her fingernails as she waits for you to rewind the gossip channel. Nolan paces behind the couch, and Louis sits in the chair next to the couch, his leg bouncing nervously.

Louis buries his head in his hands as his words replay on the television.

"Take it from the guy who sits back and watches everything, Nolan is not the staff member I predicted Emily falling for."

"And who would that be?" You pause at the reporter's question.

"Yeah, Fitzgerald," Nolan stops pacing, "who would that be? You?"

"N-n-no," Louis stands up and takes a step away from everyone, "I'd get with you before Emily! I'm gay!"

"Then who?" Nolan storms in front of the television, his eyes scanning over each one of you.

You risk a look at Emily to see her watching you. Louis is looking at you too. Nolan must notice, because he looks at you and laughs a malicious laugh.

"You?" Though it's more of a statement than a question.

You quickly stand up and move behind the couch, putting the piece of furniture as a barrier between yourself and the man you hate more than anyone.

Nolan doesn't hesitate before he's right next to you, shoving you against the wall behind you. "I thought I told you to back off."

"What is he talking about?" Emily asks, but no one offers her a proper answer.

You stare up at the large man pinning you by your arms, knowing that he overpowers you without a question. You couldn't move an inch if you tried.

"I did, I swear," you try to not act scared, but you're scared. You've seen many layers of Nolan Eldridge, none of which you've particularly liked. But you'd favor any of those layers over this one right now. This one is merciless, unstoppable.

"She did," Louis blurts out, "They haven't spoken since Emily spent the night."

"Since she what?" Nolan releases his grip on you and turns briefly to look at Louis.

Louis has the same look on his face that he did at the interview when he realized he said something he shouldn't have. If you had duct tape, you would cover his mouth with it and never take it off. You swallow, not ready for the wrath any of you are about to see from division one football player Nolan Eldridge.

He quickly spins around and slaps you across the face. Your cheek flushes with heat and stings as you collapse to the floor. Your hands instinctively go up to cradle your face.

"Nolan!" Emily cries out, standing at a safe distance in front of the couch.

"Don't touch her!" Louis yells, stalking towards the large man and shoving him in the chest.

Nolan doesn't budge. Instead, he shoves Louis back who stumbles over the back of the couch.

With as much courage as you can muster, you stand up and tap Nolan on the shoulder. When he turns around, you punch his jaw. His tongue swirls around his cheek and he smirks.

You realize your mistake in making an advance on Nolan as soon as you've done it. He picks you up your shoulders and throws you onto the ground.

"Stop it! Nolan, please!" Emily cries, her eyes stinging with tears.

Your body hits the floor, every limb hurting in a way that they never have before. Nolan draws his foot back, driving it into your stomach.

"That's it, buddy," Louis says, pushing himself off of the couch.

Nolan turns to take a swing at Louis, but Emily steps in to stop him, taking the blow of his fist right to her nose. She stumbles back, her hands instantly covering her face.

Nolan doesn't seem to notice. He punches Louis, and when he doesn't fall, he punches him again. And again. And again. Finally, Louis sinks to the floor, and Nolan steps back.

He turns to Emily who is clinging to the back of the couch with one hand and holding her nose with the other. Nolan doesn't show a care in the world that he just hurt his girlfriend.

"Did you predict to fall for me?" Nolan shakes his head, "Or were you hoping for a fling with that bitch?"

"Honestly," Emily steps up to Nolan, looking him fearlessly in the eyes, "I'm hoping for anyone but you."

"And I said 'I'm sorry too.'"

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