11 - champagne problems

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"Your heart was glass. I dropped it."

You watch Emily take shot after shot, unsure of what to do or say to make any of this right. You're not sure if it's even possible.

You want so desperately to reach out to her, to hold her in your arms and tell her that everything is going to be fine, that she deserves so much better. But you're afraid to touch the girl on fire. So reckless, so unpredictable, so hurt.

So you stand and watch, just like everyone else. You and Dwayne are the only two that know what broke Emily Blunt.

The woman that was, five minutes ago, play fighting with her best friend in the pool. The woman that is now drinking an entire platter of shot glasses as if they're the only things that can make her forget what she just saw. The only things that can make what she just saw an only terrible nightmare when she wakes up. Not at all reality.

Dwayne takes the sixth glass out of her hand and sets it out of reach on the counter then pushes the rest of the platter away too.

Emily takes a step forward only to stumble clumsily into the island countertop in the kitchen.

Her clothes and hair are still wet from the pool, but Dwayne found a towel in one of his linen closets that he had wrapped around her to keep her from dripping too much.

She looks up at Dwayne with big puppy dog eyes, "Another one, please!"

"Nope," he takes the plate and sets it on top of the refrigerator, surely out of her reach. "It's — what — your third time drinking in your entire life? I think you've had enough to hold you over for a while."

"Come on," you walk up to Emily, steadying her, "why don't I get you home?"

"No way!" Emily takes your hand and spins you around, "The night is still young, Y/N!"

You wonder if Emily is drunk enough to be okay for the night or if she's still sober enough to remember. You're not sure which you prefer. You'd almost rather her break down with the realization now than wake up in the morning and have it all hit her at once.

"Em, seriously," you take a step forward, "we should go."

Emily takes your hands and places them on her waist. She throws hers around your neck and sways back and forth to imaginary music.

Before she throws up everything she just drank onto your shoes.

She leans forward, lazily leaning her head on your chest. You run a gentle hand through her hair, trying to comfort her as much as you can while also trying not to freak out that you're covered in vomit.

"I'll get a mop," Dwayne offers, "and you get her home."

You nod, leaving Emily's mess on the floor behind you.

You sling Emily's arm over your shoulders, securing her with a hand wrapped tightly around her waist, and head towards the car. You stop a few times to make sure Emily is okay, but eventually you make it there.

You open the passenger door and carefully help Emily inside.

The car-ride home is quiet, which makes sense because Emily has fallen asleep. The sudden panic hits you that you have no clue how to get back to Emily's house. You curse yourself for not paying more attention on the drive there and back instead of dreamily staring at Emily. It could be anywhere between where you are now and Santa Ana. That's a lot of ground to cover.

You sigh, taking the turn off the interstate to get back to your house. Once in the garage, you help Emily out of the car and up the stairs, almost her entire half-conscious weight leaning on you, which you're grateful isn't much.

You kick your dirty shoes off before stepping inside and carry Emily back to your bedroom. You pull the covers down and over Emily after taking off her shoes, turn the bedside lamp on, and leave the door halfway open behind you.

Louis greets you in the hallway, his mouth hanging open. "Am I dreaming, or did you just bring Emily Blunt home?"

"It's not what you think," you shake your head, exhausted, and collapse onto the couch.

It occurs to you that the words you just spoke are words you've heard before, back when you first caught Emily and Nolan together.

You remember the sadness on her face in that moment. You understand it all now, letting all of your memories flow together.

Emily sacrificed everything for her acting career. The director didn't like the chemistry between her and Nolan, so she faked an entire relationship with the most toxic man in the country to prove to the director, herself, and viewers that she is capable of filling all kinds of acting roles with all kinds of cast members.

Then she actually fell for the man, the one who only used her to fill his own wants and needs, the one who never actually loved Emily for the amazing woman that she is.

Not only did she want so badly for her position on this movie to turn out, she also wanted her relationship with Nolan to become real.

And then he cheated on her with her best friend.

Everything that Emily did in these last couple months, everything that took such a mental and emotional toll on her, is now down the drain.

There is no way shooting these last couple scenes before wrap is going to go well. If you were her, you're not sure you would even be able to look Nolan in the eyes let alone make out with him and pretend to enjoy it.

Press tours, the movie premiere, and interviews are going to be a disaster.

Emily's relationship with one of her only non-actor friends is ruined.

You realize, suddenly, exactly what Emily is going to do to fix everything.

She's going to pretend nothing ever happened.

"But you'll find the real thing instead. She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred."

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