The Shadows Move

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As they desperately searched for the box, the whispering grew louder, more intense. Emily felt like she was being watched, and the darkness seemed to be moving, twisting around her.

Suddenly, Matt grabbed her arm, pulling her close. "Emily, look!"

A faint light flickered in the distance, illuminating a doorway they hadn't seen before. But as they approached, the whispering grew more urgent, the words becoming clear:

"Don't go that way...don't trust the light..."

Emily hesitated, unsure what to do. But Matt pulled her forward, and they stumbled through the doorway, finding themselves in a long, dark corridor.

As they ran down the hall, the whispering grew fainter, but the shadows seemed to move, twisting and writhing around them. Emily felt like they were being herded, trapped.

Suddenly, the corridor ended, and they found themselves back in the grand ballroom. But something was different. The chandelier above them was lit, casting an eerie glow.

And in the center of the room, the box sat atop a pedestal, its glow pulsing stronger than ever.

"Guys, we need to get out of here, now!" Emily shouted, but as they turned to leave, they saw it. A figure, tall and imposing, standing in the doorway.

Its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and its presence seemed to fill the room.

"Welcome to Shadow House," it said, its voice low and menacing. "You'll never leave."

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