
10 1 0

I want to say let's go

I'll drive you where you want

We can stay up all night long

Crying over movies and stupid love songs.

I want to say hell yes

I want you like this

And have you to hold

and maybe to kiss.

I want to be okay

enough to show you who I am

but I can't stop this madness

that resides within the pain.

I want to take you back

to those moments when we laughed

when we fell asleep dreaming 

we'd get more nights like this.

I want to do it all

and watch you smile when I say I do

but I feel so empty

I don't know what's true.

I want to say just what I mean

but I don't know if you understand

I don't feel anything right now

no pain

no fear

I don't feel anything now

tell me how to belong here.

Tell me so we can go get all the carbs 

at some point in this stupid year.

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