One Hundred One

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Aanya entered her chamber, the familiar scent of sandalwood and jasmine greeting her like a long-lost friend. Paintings adorned the walls, testaments to stolen moments of peace and stolen moments of creativity. Her eyes lingered on a canvas Aashvi had been working on, its unfinished state a mirror to Aanya's own fragmented emotions. A frown etched itself onto her face as she tried to decipher the swirling colors and brushstrokes. They were bold, a tempestuous dance of crimson and ochre, punctuated by the stark black of a lone crow. It spoke of a child grappling with emotions she couldn't quite grasp, a storm brewing beneath the surface.

"What does it mean?" she whispered more to herself than anyone else, the question echoing in the cavernous silence of the chamber.

The weight of the past years pressed down on her. Her gaze drifted across the room, landing on a wooden trunk tucked away in a corner. It was a repository of memories. With a hesitant hand, she lifted the lid, a wave of nostalgia washing over her. There, nestled in soft silk, lay her bridal dress, a magnificent creation of crimson and gold that spoke of a joyous day and a love that defied the boundaries of time itself. She traced the delicate embroidery with trembling fingers, each touch a memory, the joy of their wedding, the warmth of Arjun's embrace, the bittersweet pang of knowing their happiness wouldn't last.

A choked sob escaped her lips, and she closed the trunk with a sigh, the finality of the sound echoing in the silent room. A tear escaped, tracing a path down her cheek as a smile played on her lips, a smile laced with the bittersweetness of a life lived and loved, a life forever marked by the triumphs and tragedies that time had woven into its tapestry.

Sitting down on the bed, she sought solace in the memories tucked away in her heart, memories of happier times when the future wasn't a looming storm cloud but a canvas splashed with vibrant hues.

"Maa!" Aashvi's voice startled Aanya from her reverie. She whipped around, wiping away the stray tear with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Emotions flickered across her face, surprise, relief, and a desperate attempt to mask the tension within.

Aashvi rushed into the chamber, her eyes wide with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked, pulling her mother into a tight hug, the warmth of her embrace a balm to Aanya's soul. But Aashvi couldn't help but notice the change in her mother. Her usually vibrant hair hung loose, a stark contrast to the intricate braids she usually wore. The light that used to dance in her eyes seemed dimmed, replaced by a deep well of sorrow.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Aanya asked, a weak chuckle escaping her lips, a sound that held more sadness than humor.

Aashvi shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. "Nothing, Maa. Just happy to see you." But the concern in her eyes lingered, a silent question hanging heavy in the air, a question Aanya knew she would have to answer, a truth they would have to face.

"Me too," Aanya replied, her voice thick with emotion.

Aashvi clambered onto the bed, snuggling in her mother's lap, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth. "You will not leave again, right?" she asked, her voice a mere tremor, laced with a fear that mirrored Aanya's own.

Aanya looked down at her daughter, her heart a tangled mess of emotions. "Never," she promised, her voice firm despite the tremor that threatened to betray her. She wrapped her hands around Aashvi, vowing silently to shield her children from the storms that brewed on the horizon.

As the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, Arjun entered the chamber. His eyes fell on Aanya and Aashvi, a tableau of quiet strength and innocent vulnerability. He sighed, a sound that spoke volumes of the burdens he carried. Silently, he walked inside, the floorboards creaking softly beneath his weight.

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