Twenty Four : Balaram Saves The Day

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-𝓔𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓵𝓮𝓭 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓪 𝓢𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷-

Aanya and Arjun stood frozen in their tracks as Rukmi appeared out of nowhere before them. Aanya shot Arjun a look of pure panic.

"What are you two doing here?" Rukmi demanded.

"Brihannala," Aanya whispered urgently.

"We-" Arjun began, only to be cut off by a sharp jab to the stomach from Aanya. He winced and quickly altered his tone, "We were just, uh, we were."

"We were running away from her husband," Aanya blurted out, thinking on her feet and weaving a tale of deceit.

Arjun blinked in disbelief at Aanya's words. "Why make up such a wild story?" he muttered.

"I had to think fast! It was better than just stammering," Aanya huffed, rolling her eyes.

Just as it seemed like they could breathe easy, Rukmi's suspicious gaze fell upon them once more.

"Weren't you two heading back to the palace? How come you're coming from this side?" Rukmi interrogated, his hawk-like eyes narrowing.

Aanya turned to face Rukmi, her mind racing as she searched for an escape route. Suddenly, she pointed dramatically in the opposite direction and exclaimed, "Look, isn't that Rajkumari Rukmini over there?"

The distraction worked like a charm, and Rukmi and his soldiers spun around to see what Aanya was pointing at. "Run!" she shouted, grabbing Arjun and making a break for it.

As they dashed away, Rukmi managed to snatch Arjun's dupatta, but in the frenzy, the wig became dislodged and landed in Rukmi's hand. He looked down at the pile of fabric in confusion before realization slowly dawned on him.

"Follow them!" he commanded his soldiers before dashing off towards the temple, hot on the trail of Rukmini and Kanha.

Arjun tightly grasped Aanya's hand as she stumbled, worry etched across his face. "Please, my clumsy princess, let's avoid any falls today."

Aanya pouted, "I'm so sorry for wearing this lehenga, which hampers my running abilities."

Arjun couldn't help but roll his eyes, replying, "Did you happen to have any other option?"

"Shut up and spare me your words unless you want me to be out of breath," she retorted with a tight smile.

As they distanced themselves from the pursuing soldiers, Arjun and Aanya slowed their pace. Aanya leaned forward, hands placed on her knees, panting dramatically. "Tell me, why did you leave your horse and weapons so far away from the palace?" she asked, feigning offense.

"Well, forgive my lack of psychic abilities. I didn't foresee the plot twist of your sudden company and inability to sprint like the wind," Arjun replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Aanya faked a gasp, placing a hand dramatically over her heart. "Oh, really? I had no idea my stamina was such a grave concern for your valiant heart."

Aanya let out a shriek as Arjun swiftly pulled her behind a tree, shielding them from the approaching soldiers of Rukmi.

"What are-" Aanya began to speak, but Arjun gently covered her mouth with his hand, silently urging her to stay silent. Aanya's eyes widened as she stared at him, then down at his hand pressed against her lips. She felt a sense of frenzy with the sudden proximity between them. Arjun removed his hands from Aanya's lips and looked around, keeping watch on the soldiers.

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