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Enid pov:

I was walking into the quad with my plate of meat and a bottle of water.
When I say my best friend Yoko stud on the table passing out flyers to anyone who walked past.

Y-come to my party , 7pm sharp everyone is invited

She was stud on the table where wens was sitting , I can see she was getting irritated by Yoko so I picked up my speed to go sit next to her, but I was too late.

Wednesday pov:

I as at a table waiting for my girlfriend Enid to meet me as we planned, when Yoko came and stud on my table.

W-get off the table Yoko
Y- no I've got a mission
W- well do that mission on the ground like any simple minded human being
Y-shut up wens

My eyes grew wide in anger , I stud up from my seat and tackled Yoko to the floor.

No one's pov:

Wednesday tackles Yoko to the ground and pins her to the floor,

W- no one tells me to shut up you imbecile
Y- get off me Wednesday
W- apologies to me now
Y - no get off me

Enid came rushing over and tried her hardest to pull Wednesday off of her friend but it  was no use.

Wednesday ignored Enid and pushed Yoko's face into the ground
Enid became frustrated and yanked Wednesday off of Yoko and pulled her to the side preventing her from striking the vampire once again

Y- see wens I always win
Wednesday try's to push past Enid and attack Yoko
Enid glares at Yoko and holds Wednesday face, she seemed to relax by her girlfriends touch

E- wenny look at me  please
Wednesday eyes are full of hatred and she can't make herself look at her wolf s face , who she knew would be looking at her disappointed, so  Enid pulls her girlfriends  face to look at her own.

E-Wednesday Friday Addams
E-look at me now
W- fine
Wednesday slowly looks into Enid's eyes and her gaze becomes soft

E- why were you pinning Yoko to the ground?
W- because I did
E-*sighs* we will talk about this later
W-*glares at Yoko but nods to Enid's remark*

Both the girls walk to the table centre left of the quad as Enid sits Wednesday down and tells her to wait there.
She walks over to Yoko and helps her up , Wednesday scoffs at her girls actions and rolls her eyes.
Yoko stands up and gives Enid a hug

Y-thanks E
E- no problem sorry for Wednesday,but do you know why she did that
Y- idk really but maybe it was because I told her to shut up as she was referring to me as a simple minded person
E- oh ok well I'll talk to her and maybe you could both talk it out as I don't really want my 2 favourite people arguing
Y- ok E I think we should but maybe later as I  want to let Wednesday cool off before she attacks me again
E- ok that's fair , anyway why were you stud on the table?
Y- oh yeah would you and Wednesday like to come to my party at 7pm tonight?
E-sure I will but I'll need to persuade wens but count us in.
Y-ok cya later and we can sort this situation out then maybe
E-sounds great cya later

The 2 girls hug before they walk in their directions

Enid sits at the chair opposite Wednesday

W- what were you talking to her about
Enid ignores Wednesday.
W- Enid?
Enid ignores her again.

Enid's eyes widen as she looks forward due to the shock of hearing her girlfriend say her name so demanding

W- answer me!
Enid sighs
E-what wens
W- why are you ignoring me?
E-because u tackled my best friend to the floor
W- okay I guess I did but she started my actions in the first place
E- I understand but that was unnecessary

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