Chapter 8

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As I reached toward the plate of tarts and let out a small snicker, Hayate muttered with a look of defeat on his face.

"..You're cute."

While Toya was the type only whose ears went red, it seemed Hayate's entire face blushed when he felt embarrassed.

Despite having a completely different personality from Toya, Hayate was just as fun to tease.

I flashed a smile and offered him the plate of tarts.

'Here you go, that's the cost of your pride.'

"I keep my promises!"

That meant my character wasn't completely hopeless!

When I spoke out for Hana to hear, she let out a faint sigh. Only Ichika, with the same smile as mine, stared at me intently.


I had always wondered why old men constantly wanted to pick on children, but today, I finally understood why.

Hayate was the perfect target for my teasing. He gave the best reactions, after all. With a face as red as a tomato, he abandoned his tiny pride in the end and did as I said.

'Thrilling, always new, teasing is the best!'

"I'm Kanata. You can call just me Kanata. I told you my name, so tell me yours!"

"Why should I? Besides, you already know..."

" We're going to have a whole cake later. It'll be delicious, you know..."

"...l'm Hayate."

'Ha! Haha! This is so fun! Looks like I got myself a new hobby.'

I smiled slyly as I stared at Hayaye's golden hair.

'This is exactly why I tease him! This is the best! And it's especially fun because it's Joshua!'

"Hello, Kana!"

While I was happily teasing Hayate, Arata greeted me in a loud voice as he entered the garden. Our house felt like some kind of rendezvous spot now that everyone was gathered there

I shook hands with him and flatly stared at him.

'You haven't forgotten our promise. Have you, sir?'

Soon enough, Arata approached me and gently whispered in my ear.

"I brought the cake I promised today. You don't know how hard it was to hide it from Hana."

I smiled broadly at him in response.

'Good, you're the type to keep promises. I'll gladly welcome your to our house today!'

"But who's this? He kind of looks like Toya," Arata asked, having finally noticed Joshua.
Instead of Hana and Ichika, who were working on a school work or something like that, Toya, who was sitting there and knitting, spoke up.

"He's my nephew."

"Why did you bring him here?"

"I'm looking after him for the time being."

"Ah, I see. But man, he looks just like you, I think you shrunk for a second."

"You think so?"

After the two stopped laughing, Arata and Toya made their signature handshake. After that Arata turned his attention back to me. Those are so close, even though their couldn't be anymore different.

Anyway, Arata came to check on me. Why? Well. I kind of hurt my knee when I was playing outside, and Arata insisted. I guess he is a nice guy despite being a problem child.

"Well then, young man, step aside for a moment. I'll finish as quickly as possible, Kana."

"..What are you going to do?"

Hayate's blue eyes widened as he asked curiously, expected of a child like him.

Children were always like that. They wouldn't move or run away when they were told to, and they always went ahead to touch things they weren't supposed to.

Uhhh, kids can be so annoying and loud sometimes. They have a knack for testing a grow up's park, with their boundless energy, relentless curiosity, and occasional knack for mischief. It's not like I hate kids. I actually like them. But they can be to annoying and unbearable sometimes.

'And look at this...'

Hayate took a few steps forward even though Arata had told him to step back. I sighed deeply as I looked at Hayate, and he seemed surprised before stopping where he was as soon as he saw me.

It seemed like he had been trained by my gaze in such a short amount of time.

I wouldn't mind either way, but I sternly opened my mouth with a strict expression.

I wouldn't mind either way, but I sternly opened my mouth with a strict expression.

"Do you want to know what this is, Hayate?"

I noticed Hayate's throat trembling as I spoke.

'Looks like the little guy's nervous.'

"It's something that's really, really scary and really, really hurts."


"It really hurts. You'll get scared if you come any closer, you know?"

Hayaye hunched his shoulders again as I frowned and acted with all my heart.

Arata soon seemed to realize that I was trying to tease Hayate, so he simply nodded without saying a word. As expected of a master prankster. He's quick to catch on.

Everyone here was so quick-witted. The only one who seemed clueless was Hana.

Well... and that poor little fawn too.

Finally, I landed the finishing blow.

"Hurry and run away, Hayate!"


As soon as I spoke, Hayate screamed and jumped into Toya's arms.

Well, he was so, so...

He was so cute that I almost died. Were all kids like that?

"Hahaha! Hahahaha! You're so dumb, Hayate!"

Unable to contain myself any longer, I burst into laughter.

The gazes of everyone in the parlor became fixed on me. Even Hana and Ichika, who were in the middle of a work, stopped talking to look at me.

But what could I do? It was just too funny!

He was running away, screaming like a baby!

"Kana, you're quite..."

Allen shook his head. I knew he was going to say prankster.

'Sorry buddy, but you're in no position to call me that.'

I kept bursting into laughter from time to time upon looking at how red Hayate was.

Ahaha... hahaha...

It was so much fun.

'Still, he seems a little upset from the prank earlier. I should probably cheer him up with some cake.'

I thought I heard Hana saying,

"Oh, Kana, what am I going to do with you?"

...But I just ignored it for now.

I smiled brightly at Hana before turning my gaze back to Hayate, who was in Toya's arms.

'Did I go too far? I feel bad now. I'll give him plenty of came later.'

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