Chapter 10

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Despite wanting to spend time with his crush Hana, he insisted decided to play with us kids. Seriously, he's too kind for his own good.

"Thank you, Toya, I was worried about leaving the children alone while I was busy."

Hana thanked Toya with a beautiful smile, her eyes folding into pretty crescent shapes.

Seeing her like that, it looked like Toya had made the right choice, although it didn't seem intentional on his part. Since he wanted it that way, I couldn't force him to go with Hana.

And it's Ichika staying with Hana at the very least.

'I'll play with them until then.'

I waved my hand to Hana as she slowly got farther away. It was only when she was completely out of my sight that I turned around.

I already knew how to handle Hayate, and that fawn called Reika seemed to be so frail that she could burst with just a touch. Luca was the only one among them who looked hard to tease.


Toya called my name worriedly as I got lost in thought for a moment.

I blankly stared at his face.

'He's quite stunning under the sunlight. If I was a normal seven year old girl, I'd fall in love with him on the spot.'

"Let me know if you're uncomfortable, Kana, okay?"

Toya spoke gently with a concerned look in his eyes. I nodded silently.

'I was just planning to tease your nephew, but it feels like I did something bad when you worry about me like that..'

Oh, well.

I couldn't make Toya feel troubled for the second time, so I decided to hide my true nature for now.

With a bright smile, I called out to the other three children.

"Let's have dessert!"

It seemed like Arata and Ichika had bought many delicious things today as well, so why not?

I was feeling quite generous, so I kindly decided to share. Delicious desserts on me!

Their pupils instantly sparkled when they heard me.

'Kids are kids, huh.'

It was the same back when I went volunteering. Whenever snack time came, the kids would all eagerly wash their hands and wait for their treats.

'...Wait a minute. Come to think of it, they should wash their hands too, right?'

"Do you want to have dessert?"


The three of them nodded in response to my question without any hesitation. It felt like I was teaching first graders who had just graduated from kindergarten.

Toua was certainly there with me as well, but it felt like he was there more to protect us than to warn us to be careful of things.

I opened my mouth and spoke to them with a determined look on my face.

"Well then..."

The first one to react, of course, was Hayate. As soon as I spoke, he hunched his shoulders and looked at me with a wary gaze.

'You don't have to look at me like that. I'm not teasing you this time... really!'

I shrugged my shoulders as I continued.

"Go wash your hands first!"


Just as eager as before, the children rushed to the mansion as soon as I finished speaking. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them get farther away.

"You don't have to go that far to wash your hands, you brats.'


Among the three children, Hayaye was the easiest to tease, and it was obvious why.

He showed the best reactions, after all.

"Kana is teasing me again!"

After being teased by me a couple of times, Hayate shouted out, unable to take it anymore.

'But I didn't even tie his hair up, I was trying to restrain myself in my own way..'

I shook my head with a sullen look on my face.

"Kana, you said that you'd play nice with Hayate."

However, it seemed that this damned world was on Hayate's side instead of mine.

I pouted as I heard Hana scold me. No, I really hadn't done anything. I was being framed!

"You don't trust me, Sis...?"

'How could you not trust your only sister?'

When I looked as sad as I could as I looked up at her, Hana narrowed her eyes in pain.

'Looks like there's an internal conflict going on. In times like this, you just have to surrender to your emotions, Lia. You don't know how comfortable and nice it is. Life has become quite easier for me now when I just surrendered to my instincts.'

"My adorable Kana..."

Soon, Julianne bent over and gently hugged me.

'Good, looks like she finally fell for my cuteness. That's a good attitude...'

"I want you to get along well with your friends, Kana."

'But I want you to only get along well with

I buried my face in her shoulder and swallowed my words.

Either way, I hadn't even teased Hayate that much. At least, not as much as I really wanted to...

"Is that too hard for you, Kana?"


I couldn't say anything when she put it like that, so I just hugged her neck tightly and nodded.

I thought I'd done my best to tease him out of sight, but I hadn't expected him to just run off and go tell.

It was clear that l'd underestimated how low a seven-year-old could go.

"I have to go, so have fun until I'm back, okay?"

Hana finally let go of me and spoke softly. Her green eyes were filled with concern for her younger sister.

'Oh, Hana, I'll do better...'

I smiled as if telling her not to worry and lightly waved my hand.

Toya left Hayate behind and went back home, just like Arata, and since Ichika and Julianne were going to be working for the next hour...


As soon as Hana disappeared from sight, I turned around and looked at Hayate, causing Luca and Reika to flinch as well.

'Come on. What did I even do..? Hit you? I simply played a few small pranks. Just like all the kids do.'

Perhaps my character really had taken a turn for the worst...

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