Missed Path

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"The tantric revolution (a thousand years ago) brought its followers similar liberating innovations as many a political upheaval in Europe many centuries later. It did away with the notions of a patriarchal caste system and taught freedom, equality and inclusion based on the common divine origin of all beings." Diana Sans


"We grow through the same obstacles that bring us down." Yoga proverb, handed down by Christopher Wallis

They trickled past Binh Phu, a village in Dinh Tuong province, seventy kilometers from Saigon. A performance by the National Liberation Front's field theater captured the people's attention. A yellow star on a blue background marked the playground. Someone shouted: "Hoan ho hoa binh" - long live peace.
It sounded like mockery to Binh. He belonged to the Lực lượng đặc biệt, a special force of the South Vietnamese Army of the Republic of Vietnam. The North Vietnamese People's Army operated on the opposite side. Their so-called Provisional Revolutionary Government had long since established itself in the area. Binh suspected a Lockheed YO-3 in the sky above the command, a silent aircraft. Near-silence. The men glided toward the river in whose delta they were operating, moving in a cratered landscape with unsightly greetings from the B-52s. The tension turned blighted palm trees into sharpened totem poles. "Giang Song", the Vietnamese say of their homeland - mountain and river. Binh smelled turpentine in the vapors on the Mekong. A few years later, he was shipwrecked off Malaysia, first on board the German hospital ship Helgoland and then in the Friedland border transit camp. The integration of the Vietnamese boat people into German society took place quietly. Doris Steinbrecher met the friendly, reserved migrant for the first time in Fürchtegott Steinbrecher's yoga group in the Protestant parish hall in her hometown. There was no Mindfulness Academy and no Flow Center in Mühlacker. 

Binh hid his potential. He literally hid from the beginners with their culturally determined teething troubles. The western ego stood in their way. Abhinavagupta describes the sovereign yogini as a person who "does not let the mass of foolish teachings in this world cast doubt on her points of view". Her position is based on the "true nature of things". In a forecourt of enlightenment, she experienced grace for the first time. Christopher Wallis speaks of a "foretaste of the perspective of a radically liberated consciousness".

Grace awaits every person who can receive it. A prerequisite for the happiness of experiencing grace lies in dissolving the differences between the secular and the spiritual with every fiber of one's being. However, those who are unwavering in the pursuit of a selfish agenda, with the idea of knowing who they are, miss the path of grace.Doris saw Binh - next to her first yoga teacher Fürchtegott - as a second navigator on her expedition into the unknown. Together, Doris and Binh enjoyed surprises as well as a shiver-inducing church organ romp in atheism. A master played herself into shape, and the lovers won yet another white-knuckle match. Binh didn't lose any sleep over Doris overtaking him at every counter to take over the paying part. Around her, money (in those days of her position as a millionaire's daughter) was as unavoidable as cow shit on the way to the pasture. Binh asked Doris not to wear shoes with high heels. There was so much macho ego in the transcended personality after all. We scent, warn, advertise and camouflage according to the specifications of our genetic-social barcode.

Naked, the world was fine for both.

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