Chapter 1 - Worried About Jesse

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Katsopolis Attic Apartment • Evening

(Rebecca Katsopolis is in the children's room with the twins, trying to make them go to bed.)

Becky: Nicky, Alex, I'm not going to tell you again. You two have kindergarten tomorrow morning, so stop playing and lie down.

(Nicky and Alex keep playing with their toy cars.)

Nicky: We don't want to go bed, mommy!

Alex: Yes! And why's daddy not here to say goodnight?

Becky: Don't worry, boys. Daddy's just off to the store on his motorcycle. Michelle forgot some important supplies for a school project tomorrow and he's quickly getting them for her. Speaking of school, you really need to go to bed now.

Alex: (he starts to rub his eyes and nods) Okay, mommy...

(After the twins have fallen asleep, Becky goes downstairs to the living room where Danny and Joey watch TV. It is starting to storm and rain a little outside.)

Becky: (thinking out loud) Hopefully Jess didn't get caught in the storm.

Tanner living room • Later evening

(It is getting late, and Jesse is still not coming back. Becky starts to get worried and nervously paces up and down the living room.)

Becky: Why is he not coming home? We really should've watched the weather report... I would have never let Jess go in this storm!

Danny: (he tries to calm Becky) I am sure Jesse's okay, Beck. He's probably just waiting at the store until it's over. He's a very careful motorcyclist, you know.

Joey: Except for that one time years ago when he broke both his arms in an accident, remember?

(He grows silent when Danny shoots a disapproving glare his way.)

Danny: (mouthing the words) Not the right moment for that, Joey.

(Stephanie comes downstairs, confusion in her face.)

Steph: (intimidated) Hey guys, everything okay?

Danny: Honey, Aunt Becky's worried sick because Uncle Jesse still hasn't come back from the store, so we're waiting for him. But he's okay, I'm sure of that.

Steph: (she looks at the rain showers outside the window) Oh, okay, I... I think
I'm gonna wait with you.

(After a while, the phone in the kitchen rings.)

Becky: (hopeful) Maybe Jesse's calling.

(She rushes over to the kitchen, the others following behind her.)

Becky: (she picks up the phone, getting increasingly nervous) Hello?

Hospital employee: (calm voice) Hello, this is San Francisco General Hospital. We are trying to reach relatives of... (rustling of paper can be heard) Jesse Katsopolis.

(Becky's eyes widen in shock. She is shaking and barely able to realize what is happening. The family gathers around her, immediately noticing something is wrong.)

Becky: (stammering) I... I am... his wife. Is he okay?

Hospital employee: He's been brought into our Emergency Room after a motorcycle accident.

(Upon hearing these words, Becky drops the phone in shock. She sinks onto a nearly kitchen chair.)

Steph: (scared) Aunt Becky, what's wrong?

(Danny picks up the phone from the ground and begins to talk to the hospital staff himself.)

Danny: (as calm as he can manage) Hello, this is Jesse's brother-in-law..... What?  .....  Oh God, is he okay?

(Danny listens carefully. Everyone in the kitchen is holding their breath for a moment until he starts to talk again.)

Danny: (exhales in relief) Thank God. Yes, we will be there right away.

(He hangs up and turns around to Becky, looking her in the eyes.)

Danny: Becky, listen. Jesse was in an accident, but they assured me he's stable and he's going to be just fine.

Becky: (tears streaming down her face) Thanks, Danny. I... I need to see him right away.

(Danny takes a deep breath and quickly tries to organize everything.)

Danny: Okay, Joey, Steph — you two remain here and take care of Michelle and the twins. I will drive to the hospital with Becky.

(Stephanie and Joey nod in agreement. Danny takes Becky by the arm, gently guiding her out of the house to his car.)

Danny: (comforting, optimistic voice) He's gonna be okay, Becky. Jesse is tough, and he will get through this. I know it.

(Becky sits down on the passenger seat, quietly looking at the rainy night sky.)

Becky: (whispering) Please be okay, Jess.

(Danny starts the car and they drive to the hospital.)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 11 ⏰

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