I. The Child From Doom

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293 AC; 1998 (human years)

The aftermath of the rebellion back in the early 280s, everyone was still rebuilding. One of the Starks, a man named Benjen, was recovered and had a child. Born one year after his brother's, Ned, daughter Arya.

His only remaining sibling was Ned. Brandon was killed by by strangulation by the Mad King when he protested the kidnapping of Lyanna by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. His father Rickard died along with him by wildfire.

Then Lyanna died, Benjen was informed of it by his lover. Lyanna had a son, and Ned took him to raise him as a bastard.

Benjen swore he wouldn't say anything, only until people find out. Benjen was in the Night's watch, but his child was okay.

Anastasios was an independent child. He could handle things himself, of course he needed a little help before he could handle it himself.

Anastasios was with Arya, they were walking in the forest together as they talked about random things when Arya stopped. "Uhhmm." It was a very awkward uhm.

They were standing in front of the wall. "Did we actually walk this far?" She muttered in disbelief.

"I'm surprised the Night's Watch hasn't noticed us." Anastasios noted.

"Yeah I agree." Arya noted, her eyes darting around the area. "Talking about them, where are they?" Anastasios noted as he looked around. No one was around, just them and the forest.

"That's weird." Arya muttered. Anastasios took a deep breath and allowed the sweet air to fill his nostrils. "We should head back." Anastasios said, "Unless you want to stay."

Arya nodded at staying. They sat down against the wall and began to talk. "And then Sansa was like 'Arya!' and it was so funny!"

Arya had really good impressions of Sansa whenever she yelled Arya's name. Anastasios smirked, then there was a noise.

"Arya back."

"But I'm older!"

"I know! But i have better experience in woods. And you shouldn't be hurt because your father would kill me." Anastasios hissed. Arya nodded.

A direwolf. Arya looked slightly alarmed, but a smile appeared on Anastasios' face. "Thais." He muttered, she was a tiny little direwolf, baby one. She ran forward and Anastasios lifted her up softly.

"Arya. This is my direwolf, Thais. Thais this is Arya." Thais head butted Arya with delight. A greeting.

Arya warily stroked it, and it snuggled. "I found her on the forest, she was a newborn. Mother died, had no one so I took her in."

"And what did Uncle think?"

Anastasios took a deep exhale. "He hasn't met her yet. And i hope he won't."

Arya looked confused, "Why?" Anastasios gave her a glance, "She's a direwolf. You know what they say about them. That they are dangerous."

Arya took this in, "You go back home now. I'm coming back soon." Anastasios whispered, the wolf head butted him before leaving.

He stood up calmly. They sat back down and talked. "It's gotten really late."

"10:30." Anastasios nodded. "10:30?!" Arya gasped. It was odd on how late it already was, perhaps that is what happens when you are having fun.

They continued to talk until they heard voices. "Arya! Anastasios!" Anastasios was instantly alerted. He and Arya stood up and they calmly walked over and hid behind a tree to peer.

"Nights watch." Anastasios muttered. Arya ran forward. Arya was instantly bombarded with questions.

Anastasios walked out next. And he was too bombarded with questions. They were taken back and had a little chat with Ned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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