"Sorry." I mumbled.

"It's okay, I get you're worried about Alan, but honestly Austin, I know nothing. You know I've never had a part of whatever you lot did, or do, and I still don't. But look, I can see how much you're hurting, and frankly, they've gone a bit far with all of this. I mean, Vic, Vic when it's just me and him, he's the nicest, sweetest guy on earth believe it or not. He's so different, but soon as Danny and Ronnie are around, he completely changes. I tried to ask him why, but it just ends up in us fighting so I gave up trying to understand and decided to just leave it. High school's over soon, and it'll all be over, Vic is going to a college far away from Danny and Ronnie, which is why I just let them get on with it. But like I said, it's going too far now, so, I will try and see if I can find anything out. I can't promise anything, but I will try."

"Thank you!" I threw my arms around Kellin, which obviously suprised him by the little yelp he let out, and he was hesistant to return the hug. "Anything you can do, I'll owe you forever."

"Like I said Austin, I will try, but Vic might get suspious as to why I'm suddenly intrested in what they're doing...but I'll see what I can do. Now, I need to get back to class before I get in more shit then I'm already in for being late."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. And uh, sorry for, you know..."

"Don't mention it, just sit tight okay?" I nodded my head in reply and watched Kellin run off back towards his class. The second Kellin was out of sight, I burst into tears, I hated this, I hated all of this. I hated Alan not being happy, I hated seeing him the way he was. He wouldn't look at me, or let me touch him, I couldn't see him, or speak to him, he completely froze me out. I was so scared and worried for him, something bad had happened, but I just couldn't work out what.

"What am I g-going to do Shay?" I cried, sobbing on Shayley's shoulder as we stood in the empty corridoor of the school. "H-He won't speak to me, l-look at me, o-or let me touch him."

"He won't let me either Austin." Shayley sighed sadly. "He won't let anyone, whatever's happen has really messed him up. Is there anything he's told you that might explain any of this?"

I lifted my head from his shoulder and screwed my face up in deep thought. I was racking my brain through every converstation we ever had and that's when my eyes went wide. No, it wasn't possible though, he told me he was locked up for twenty years, I had barely been ten years, but at the same time, it makes so much sense. "I have to go."

Before Shayley could even say a word, I was running out of the school, pulling my car keys from my pocket and sped to Alan's.


Vic's POV (SUPRISE hahaha)

"Uh, Vic?" Kellin looked at me, standing there, shuffling awkwardly on the stop, as if he was scared of what he was about to say.

"What's up?"

"Uh, well, I know in the past, I-I've made it clear that I-I want nothing to do w-with what you and Ronnie do. But, uh...have any of you done anything to Alan?"

"What makes you think we have?" I raised an eyebrow at him, folding my arms. In all honesty, I hadn't done shit. But Ronnie on the other hand, it's likely he's done something, I mean he was really pissed when he found out how Austin stood up the way he did during lunch, and said the shit he said about him. Then he found out those two where back together, someone, god know's who, went after Alan after Austin left the canteen and saw them kissing and went running straight to him.

"Just...uh, well Austin spoke to me today...before you freak, he didn't hurt me. He's just really worried about Alan, a-and he just wants answers. I s-spoke to Shayley at lunch to get more answers a-and apprently Alan won't eat, sleep, speak to anyone, he won't let anyone touch him, he won't look at anyone or anything. So somethings happened that's really messed him up Vic...I think you lot and Ronnie have put Alan and Austin through enough, it's time this stopped."

I let out a long sigh, he wasn't wrong, I grew sick and tired of it long ago personally. I mean, pushing and shoving people in halls, calling them names was one thing, but Ronnie seemed determind to literally destory Alan so he could get Austin back. But I knew Austin, Austin broke free, and regardless of what they did to Alan, he would never come back, because he know's Alan would never forgive him. I wish I had the balls Austin did, but I was too weak, I was too scared of what Ronnie was capable of, and now hearing this, it just scared me more. I couldn't bare him hurting Kellin, I couldn't watch Kellin become Alan. "I know, I know. I gave up paying attention to Ronnie's stupid plans a while ago. I just nod and agree and do just enough to keep him happy. I don't know if Ronnie's behind any of it, but I'll find out ok? I'll go call him."

"O-Okay, thank you." Kellin gave me a small smile, I gave him a quick kiss, before going outside and dialing Ronnie's number.

"Hey Viccyyy! What's up?" Ronnie chimed on the other end of the phone.

"Well I was just thinking, we haven't fucked with Austin and Alan for a little while and you know, we gotta make those two pay for what they did. Put them in their place once and for all, think it's time we came up with something diobolical!"

Ronnie chuckled darkly. "Oh don't you worry Vic, I'm one step ahead of you, haven't you noticed how the ginger hasn't been at school this week?"

"Not really, figured he was ill...what did you do you evil genuius?" I was having to force the words from my mouth, it was now clear that what ever has Alan so messed up was Ronnie's doing. And from what Kellin said, Alan really was fucked up, and Ronnie's gone too far. Hell, he'd gone too far the day Alan attempted suicide.

"Oh well, you know how my dad's a lawyer?"


"Well, about two weeks ago, I was bumming around my dad's office because I was bored. And this random dude came strolling in, wanting to see my dad because he needed a lawyer, so I fetched my dad, blah blah, I was forced out the room, so on and so forth. Then, once the man left, my dad had to attend to a meeting, so naturally I got nosey and looked at the notes my father wrote down. There wasn't much, just address, date of birth, said he was just looking for a new lawyer due to some family disputes but there was one thing that stood out to me most of all."

"What's that?" I asked, trying my best to sound eager and intrested.

"His name...his surname actually...Ashby. Turn's out that man was his uncle. He came back like three days later when I was there, I casually said hello and that I couldn't help but over hear him say his surname was Ashby and mentioned I went to school with an Ashby. We got talking and he asked if I knew where Alan lived now, apprently he's been trying to find him, so I told him where to find Alan. I have no idea why he wanted to find Alan, or what the history was...but it would seem I pulled off the perfect plan, completely by accident. Orginally I just assumed he was an uncle who wanted to get in contact with his nephew since he'd moved out of Boston after Alan's parents died. Now Alan's suddenly away from school, he could be ill, but it's funny how he suddenly goes awol when he uncle makes an appearance. Oh, and I found out my dad denied his case a few days ago once he got all the details, so whatever his uncle did must have been that bad."

"Well, it turns out, Kellin overheard Austin talking to Gayley and Austin was saying how Alan won't see him, speak to him, look at him or touch him."

"Oh I'm so good and I didn't even realised I was doing a thing! Ahh I do suprise myself some times, it's a wonder what I can do without even noticing, we'll have Austin back in no time. Anyway, better run, see you tomorrow and we can marvel in my evil genuis! Bye!" And with that he hung up.

I turned around and saw Kellin standing by the door, I'd had enough, I was done with it, I was done with Ronnie, an idiot could have pieced it together, his uncle, Alan acting as he was, Ronnie's dad dropping the case. I knew there was two cases Ronnie's dad wouldn't touch if the client was guilty...murder and...rape. "We need to find Austin...now!"


A/N: Oh daymmmnnn shit's going down nowwwww! So yeah, this fic is coming to a close, there's only a handful of chaps left, like 2/3 maybe. It was gonna be a little longer, and I was gonna throw in more drama, but I figured it would be best to end it here, with this drama being like the drama of all drama's because I don't want to drag it out and all.

So, Vic and Kellin are on Austin's side now, but will that be enough to finally put an end to all the hurt, pain, drama...and most of all Ronnie? Ooooh who know's! Tehehehhe

The Dare to Destroy ~Cashby~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora