Mother's Love

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It was the fall when the sun began to fade
Orange colour of the streets and wind everywhere
Rain was falling like it never touched the ground before
And the birds moved out singing "Sumer is no more"

That day one young lady who lost her man
Had to deal with the fact that she'll lose her wealth
Had to give away all the things she loved
In that moment when she knocked on her neighbour's door

She left her baby on the doorstep to another women
Didn't even turn back when she heard her cry
She could never know the sound of her baby girl's voice
Or how it felt when she got the rose from the caring child

Maybe it won't be so bad, maybe they will meet again
They'll cross paths on another day in another life
But it's a scar and it's hard to live with the pain
You can't understand if you never felt the mother's love

It wasn't easy to turn around and walk away
That feeling when she kissed her daughter's little forehead
She cried louder than the baby when she was heard
They tried to call her but she didn't hear a single word

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