The Wall Between Us

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At first you feel something new
You feel it taking over you
And you don't know what to do
It's something millions would kill for
The feeling remains unknown
Now you know I'm into you
Don't break my heart so soon
I'll always be there dancing with you

The world is not enough but I will make it enough for you
The world is corrupted I'll try my best to make it peaceful
Tonight let's break the promise
Let's tear down the wall between us
We can rule the world tonight
Just this once until they imprison us
And then inside the cage I will only see your face
And I know, we won't let go this time

I feel your hands on my skin
The night is slowly creeping in
There is a reason why this is forbidden
This is not the way the world has been written
Do the rules matter when it's about you and I?
Never in my life have I felt so alive

It's All Poetry 🩷Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora