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(A/N: I haven't written in over a month and I am so so sorry. I've been really busy with school work, but ill try my best to update this book. Also beware this chapter is like really really cringy and i was debating whether to change it but I didn't want to delay more time ... yeah sorry lol)

Nico's POV

"Oh my god the annual trip is today!!" Daisy said, jumping up and down.

"Haha you know we won't leave until 5pm. It's 7:30 am "I said laughing while walking with her in the hall.

"Still it's going to be so fun!" she said as we walked around the school.

We spent the rest of 30 minutes before class started talking about the trip and what we would do, until the bell rang signaling us to go to our class.

Today our schedule was funky. All seniors attending the trip were here, no freshman, sophomores, or juniors here, just seniors. To make it even more weird , we only had one class, our history class, which was like an hour to two hours long to prepare us for the trip. I made my way to my class and Daisy headed to hers. In class I saw Ashton seated in his seat while resting his head on his hand looking bored. I quickly made my way to my seat next to him and hoped he wouldn't bother me today.

"Morning," I said to him.

"Morning" he said mumbling whilst stretching his arm.

A few minutes later Mr. Holland came in greeting us with a smile.

"Good Morning class! As you know, today is our annual school trip, which means I have to prepare you guys and give you guys instructions" he said, handing out a sheet of paper.

On the paper it read "Paris, France-annual school trip guide."

"Okay class, so I'll be going over the basic stuff such as what you'll be doing on the trip, who you'll be rooming with, who's your partner for the trip etc.," he said whilst looking at the time.

"Okay so, while in Paris we'll be visiting museums about the history of France, educational museums, visiting important landmarks, etc. the rest is on your paper so read it and if you have any questions, ask away."

Mr. Holland gave us 10 minutes to read over the paper before talking about partners and stuff.

"Alright class, it's been 10 minutes. We'll be going over the partners now for the entirety of the trip and who you'll be rooming with." he said standing up from his desk and into the middle of the class.

"So when I call out your and your partners names please stand next to each other up front here please" he said taking out a sheet of paper.

"Jayden and Eric, Hermione and Estella, Lily and Thalia, Ashton and..." please don't be my name

"Ashton and Nico" fuck.

I stood up and headed my way over the Ashton in the front.

"Looks like we're partners again" he said looking bored.

I didn't say anything and shifted a little trying not to look up at him.

Ashton's POV

Nico and I were partners for the trip, which I'm guessing is also who you're rooming with and who you spend most of the trip with. Nico looked a little cold even though he had a thick sweater on. He was shivering and held his arms as if he were giving himself a hug. I had a heat pack in my hoodie pocket and was debating whether to give it to him.

"Nico take it" I whispered handing him the heat pack.

He looked up at me and shook his head.

"Nico, you're shivering. Take it now "I said a little louder.

He reluctantly agreed and thanked me. I nodded and continued with listening to Mr. Holland go over the basic rules.

"Alright you guys can take a seat. Well be going over who and where you'll be rooming." he said.

"Any questions before I start?" he asked, looking around.

No one shook their heads.

"Alright, so you'll be rooming with your partner I just assigned to you. You can change your partner if you'd like, but the other person has to be in this class. That's about it if you have any other questions, talk to me after class." he said.

I looked back and saw Fred mouthing to me 'wanna room'. I was debating for a good few minutes and decided no. He looked shocked and rolled his eyes but I didn't care.

"You're not rooming with Fred?" Nico asked quietly looking up from his sketchbook.

"Nah I don't really feel like it"

Nico's POV

I thought Ashton would try and ask someone else to room with, but surprisingly he declined Fred's offer.

"You know you're rooming with me right?" I asked a little unsure of what he may try to pull.

"I know," he said, looking bored while listening to Mr. Holland.

"Why, though" I said. I couldn't help myself but wonder if he's planning to do something.

He sighed before saying "I'm just sick of being around my asshole friends"

"Oh..." I said before saying "well what will they think if you room with me?"

"Eh I don't really care to be honest" he said, shrugging before laying his head down and closing his eyes.

"Ashton don't sleep Mr. Holland will be upset" I whisper while nudging him a bit.

He grumbled and muttered something along the lines of 'whatever' but lifted his head up looking right at me.

"You have something on your face" he mumbled before holding my chin and using his thumb to wipe off whatever was on my face.

"T-thanks" I mumbled and turned away as fast as I could. I don't know why but when he did that I felt a weird feeling...

Ashton's POV

Nico turned away so fast, but I swore I saw his face get a little red or something. Is he sick?

"Ashton, are you paying attention? The next thing I'm about to say is very important." he said looking right at me.

"Sorry sir," I said.

He sighed before saying "alright I'll be going over the boarding and how well be getting there. There'll be a bus here at 5pm so make sure you have all your bags packed. The bus will only take our class and you can not go sit with someone from a different class. You'll be sitting next to your partner I assigned to you in the beginning of class, and throughout the trip you will stay by your partner's side. Any questions?" he asked.

"No? Okay we have like 20 minutes before the bell rings so you guys can chit chat, but no using phones please." he said while taking out a book to read.

I sighed and rested my head in my arms. I was really really tired as the night prior i was out shopping with Chloe, she forced me to go. I looked over and saw Nico drawing something.

"What are you drawing?" I mumbled.

"Jesus! You scared me, I thought you were asleep." he jumped a bit when he heard me.

"Haha sorry, but what are you drawing?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Uh, just some flowers," he mumbled.

"Can I see it?" i asked

He nodded and handed me his sketchbook. I saw he was almost running out of pages, he must've drawn in it like 24/7. I handed it back and went back to resting my head on my arms.

Winter with Him (BXB)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن