That was what anticipated from any good husband and he was a good husband. That was his life and he wanted to live in his own way. Unaiza had full choice to decline and no blame would have come on her but she preferred a step-husband over a real husband. And now no reactions or arguments would bring any outcome. They would be simply futile. Huzaifa deserved to be with the woman he loved and Unaiza wouldn't come in his way.

When she came back to their bedroom, she took a considerable time to calm herself down. Huzaifa would be home anytime soon and she should be her normal self before that. Many things needed to get cleared as well. Unaiza quickly grabbed a shower and wore a silk night suit. Applying a bit of body spray, she let her hair fall free. She reclined on the bed with silent steps.

Moments later, the door was pushed and Huzaifa entered the room. He looked tired and exhausted with his shirt crumpled a bit and his hair in a mess. Unaiza's heart fluttered on a thin line as she recalled the time when Inaya had her arms all over his chest and back and he was doing the same. She knew they both were bold but Huzaifa would be seeking an intimate level of relationship with Inaya before marriage came off as a surprise to her.

What if he would ask for a night with her tonight? How would she rub off those memories when he was with Inaya? However, she had to do that. She submitted to her love by ignoring every other thing. And this life wasn't fictional. That was the reality for many girls including hers that their husbands didn't seek solely them for a companionship and comfort.

A tension came in Huzaifa's whole body as his brown eyes settled on them. His stare was ice cold which caused a shiver to run down her spine. They took in the sight of her in her silk night dress and they darkened more. Unaiza got out of bed and walked towards him, bringing a small smile over her lips.

"Khana Khao ge?" She asked, gently.

"Will you eat the dinner?"

Huzaifa scratched his forehead as he shook his head.

"Coffee?" She again offered.

Huzaifa shoots her an annoyed look. "No, Unaiza. I am fine."

She looked at him bursting in disbelief but kept quiet. Was he angry at her?

"I have something to talk to you. Come here," he said, walking over to the two-seater, wanting her to follow his steps as well which Unaiza did.

They settled on the sofa. Unaiza regarded him with so many questions in her eyes.

"Iza, I had been looking out to talk to you about this for a while but every time things screw up more and more because our relationship has so many uncertainties and weirdness that things become complicated instead of correcting. But tonight, I want to come clean and have a serious talk with you," he began.

Unaiza didn't say anything but she was all ears.

Huzaifa continued. "I never believed in the fact that if you are hitched together, your feelings could change. I was always a stern supporter of choosing and knowing your partner before marriage. Spending time with her and making good memories which could act as a fuel for the marriage ahead. But---"

"Inaya is like this. You chose her, you dated her and you knew her before marriage. I am sure you guys will have a great bonding after the marriage," she murmured, with an innocent curl of her lips.

Huzaifa gritted his brow and this action caused an attractive vein over his temple to become prominent. He stood up with a jerk. "What's with this Inaya, Inaya, Inaya all the time? I think so you have a fever of Inaya."

Unaiza flinched at his snarling and Huzaifa noticed it as well. He quickly loosened his expressions and body language as a softness briefly came into his eyes. Unaiza pressed her lips together because she knew where this was going.

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