meeting the murder drones

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both teams looked at each other the one with her claws deployed while the male waved much to his surprise B waved back. 

???:"hiya who are you guys are you guys the signal we were meant to meet with". hearing this Optimus retracts both his mask and his blades 
Optimus:" Yes we are tell me who are you please?" the male drone senseing the tension of his teammate and the other squad in-front of him.
???:"Oh biscuits where are my manners I'm N and this is V-"
V:"Shut up loser who even cares we don't even need them J just wants new ones to replace you" as she said this Optimus looks at them in shock because he has never seen such hate sense they were guarding James Elliot 
N:"Ok come on we have so much to show you" he says this like what V just said didn't happen but the squad of six walk up to the spire to show the team where they will be staying for the time being 

B:"swooooooooooon" B said walking toward the pod Optimus grabbed his shoulder as a sign of comfort as they continue walking optimus notices that N is actually like B but taller and can talk.
Optimus:"sorry for my straight forward Ness but why are your teammates treating you like an object and not one of their own
N:"oh that's just a little game we play they pretend to hate me beat me up forget my name it so much fun j once said if I wasn't part of the company she would dismantle me" Optimus looked shocked by the fact that all of N's teammate despise him by merely existing it was actually quite depressing because he said it like it was a game
Optimus:"N I believe I would like to go on patrol to find some resistance fighters" he said because he was feeling unsettled with the pod and well... the giant pile of Corpses
Optimus:"B would like to join me" he asks the silent child immediately nods the transform and ride off to find some rebels

4 hour timeskip

???:"come on they're coming we're Almost there" worker drones were seen running at their top speed but were put to a halt when they see a plasma gun pointed at them
Optimus:"stop now I won't ask a second time" he points his blaster at the pair about to fire but then
???:"whines and sobs" Optimus pauses hearing this he looks at one of the drones in her arms was a little pod with a visor showing closed eyes and whines Optimus tries to make sense of why thy oval shaped drone was crying until it came to him... a male, a female, and a infant... a family Optimus puts his weapon down and stays still until B shows up and sees the family of three and screeches to a halt shocked to see a family
B:"beep boop swoon?" he says to the family much to his disappointment they didn't understand
Optimus:"He said do you need assistance of directions" the family screams in shock
Optimus:"why would we eat you?" To his shock they told him
Female drone:"  you two are murder drones you hunt us slice us to peices and eat our remains" Optimus looked at them shocked  but then scowled he would have to ask the squad he and his team were paired with.
Optimus:" B help them find their home I need to speak with our new 'friends' " he transforms and drives to the spire
B:' waves at the infant causing it to giggle'

2 hour timeskip (say that 10 times fast)

Optimus arrives at the spire only to find  R and I looking at a purple female worker shoot a blast of green plasma at N incinerating his head only for it to grow back only for the worker to slap it with a severd arm
N:" did you just slap me with that arm"
???:"holy crap it talks" she turn and she sees  Optimus, I and R staring at her with hollowed out eyes on their visor
I:" I like your gun can I copy it."
R:" by all that is holy."
Optimus:" put the weapon down and we can talk".
???:"Oh really why" see looks at the trio confused
R:" Optimus do you really think it is wise to speak to a child with a weapon
Optimus:"I found some of your kind a family  of three the youngest of my team are helping them return to your bas-"
???:" colon- ahhhh" she looks at her hand and sees the nanite acid slowly breaking down her hand
N:" oh looks like you got yourself good you should lick are saliva dampens the Nanites if it wasn't for that I would already be a goner". He say grabbing the needle of his tail  preventing another accident
???:"ooook well let's go in that pod over there" she points at the pod
N:"sure I love doing everything"

5 minutes later
???:" we never speak of this got it"
R:"wouldn't tell a soul"
N:" consider it repressed "
Optimus :" I must ask what us your name"
Uzi:" uzi" she says looking at the drones in front of her one with white and red color scheme another in red and blue and the last is all black
Uzi:"Who are you three you don't look like murder drones
Optimus :'that word again' " what is a murder drone"
Uzi:" you know disassembly drones"
I:" a what"
N:" you know me and v and j"
I : "oh so that's why they had claws"
Optimus:" that aside why do you want to fight when you are safe in your colony" he was curious to why they hid as well as the fact to why they left if they were safe from the murder drones
Uzi: " because I'm tired of waiting for them to starve and I want to make those doors useless and make my dad actually feel proud"
Optimus:" hm"

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