Chapter 1

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Long long ago, in a far away land...the four races lived together in peace. The beastmen and elves having made a livelihood in the forests while the angels and demons remained as best friends in the remaining vast lands.

Then it happened, a never-seen before species was born on the land.

"It doesn't have any wings...", the angels didn't recognize it.

"Nor any horns", the demons also shook their heads.

The beastmen were the same, " fur anywhere...and he's too small."

"The ears aren't elongated either", the last to confirm it were the elves.

Staring at the little baby crying out, the leaders of each race looked up simultaneously and saw an identical expression of speechlessness on every face.

The angel queen softened first, noticing how the child had stopped crying and was staring at her wings in curiosity while sucking his thumb.

"Although he isn't any of us, I want to accept him as one who deserves to be on this land with all of us", she said as she removed the thumb from the baby's mouth and played with its cheek, earning a little giggle in response.

The other leaders slowly eased as well. The beastmen's king, with a majestic build and heavy brows straightened up and smiled towards the other leaders,

"Thats the plan then", he agreed with the angel queen.

The other two leaders had no objections and nodded agreeably.

It wasn't long before another one appeared, this time its hair grew longer and its build was even more smaller than the previous one.

Identifying them as the male and female of this new race, the leaders collectively came up with a name for them,

"Human?", the elven princess pronounced.

"Yes thats right", the demon king looked proud of himself,

"Its the sound they make when they sleep", 'I'm so thoughtful', was written all over his face laced with pride.


"Hooo", the demon king explained, "Thats how they sound when they're in deep sleep!"

"So hoo+man is human?", the beastmen's king tapped his hands as if understanding.

"Yes, exactly!-"

"Thats dumb!", the elven princess interrupted them angrily,

"Its not like we don't make that sound while sleeping too!", she looked fed up with them.

"No we don't!", the demon king protested and huffed,

"How would a young elf like yourself understand the meaningful name this great king has come up with?!"

"Thats a dumb name only an old geezer like you can come up with!", the elven princess stood up and faced him, the jewels covering her body making a pristine sound, "'Human' what even-"

"Hehe", the sudden chuckle stopped their banter.

Looking down, they saw both the children giggling happily among themselves.

The angel queen holding them smiled and looked up at them,

"That decides it", she said simply.


The surprised faces of the demon king and elven princess changed to ones of victory and defeat respectively.

The beastmen king patted the pouting elf's head and smiled, "The babies like it so we can't refuse their choice, right?"

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