opposites attract

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"Rise and shine, my little radioactive raincloud!" Enid's singsong voice pierced the gloomy veil of Wednesday's consciousness, accompanied by the obnoxiously chipper rattling of blinds being thrown open.
Wednesday groaned, instinctively burying her face deeper into the obsidian pillows. "Persevere with that infernal yodeling and I'll be forced to eject your ever-buoyant soul from this astral plane," she grumbled.
But Enid just giggled, entirely undeterred by her roommate's quintessential grouchiness. In a daring move, she plopped right onto the edge of Wednesday's bed, eliciting another muffled growl of irritation.
"Don't be such a serene night-blooming aster! It's a gorgeous morning - the perfect day for us to grab some fortifying beverages at the Weathervane before Metaphysical Energies!" Her hand drifted almost subconsciously to brush a raven lock of hair from Wednesday's face.
Though her features remained impassively sour, buried under the tangle of sheets Wednesday felt an unmistakable spark ignite low in her belly from the casual intimacy of Enid's touch. She inhaled a steadying breath through her nose, acutely aware of her roommate's enticing floral fragrance.
"Very well, השמש הזוהרת שלי," she muttered, deploying one of the endearment phrases she'd picked up in ancient Sumerian - where of course Enid wouldn't understand. "I suppose acceding to your demands is the only path to restoring what little remains of my tattered sanity."
Soulful brown eyes locked with sparkling evergreen as Wednesday slowly pushed herself upright, holding Enid's sunny gaze in a simmering stalemate. The air itself seemed to thicken and sweeten with the oscillating charge between them, a profound cosmic tension that had been steadily building for months now.
But Enid seemed oblivious as ever to the undercurrents cascading all around them. Practically vibrating with chipper enthusiasm, she simply looped her arm through the brooding goth's and began tugging her towards the door.
"Then it's settled - coffee and cronets for my little mordant lotus blossom before we delve the mysteries of the astral plane!"
As she was dragged along by the effervescent force of nature, Wednesday felt a treacherous upward tug at the corners of her mouth. "كَوكَبِ النُّجُوم المُشْرِقَة," she murmured, using the ancient Albanian term for "my shining star"...because goddammit, the relentless sunbeam that was Enid Sinclair was dismantling her piece by piece.
And the most inscrutable part was...Wednesday felt less and less inclined to resist the gradual thawing of her perpetual icy chill with each passing day.
Perhaps it was time to lean into these terrifying new feelings awakening inside her - the blossoming tendrils of undeniable affection, of wanting to bask in the radiance Enid seemed to effortlessly emanate.
As they strolled through the crisp morning air side-by-side, Wednesday snuck a sidelong glance at her exuberant companion. That brilliant megawatt smile, those warm eyes brimming with infectious zest for living...yes, she could finally admit to herself that the spark was rapidly becoming an all-consuming blaze.
Dangerous, seismic shifts were most assuredly underway. Wednesday only hoped she could weather the emotional storm that lay ahead.."Hey...chublecap?"
Enid's lilting voice snapped Wednesday's head back up. The blonde werewolf was leaning in with those disarmingly earnest cornflower eyes, a place holder prompting question clear on her delicately curved features.
Wednesday's brow furrowed a fraction. Chubleycap? That ancient Sumerian term didn't correlate to any pet-name variant she'd unearthed from the archaic lexicons. She felt a tiny ripple of heat sear her cheeks as realization dawned.
Caught red-handed in her linguistic trickery. And that expression on Enid's face suggested she'd been far from fooled these past few months. Had she secretly comprehended every saccharine sweet nothing, every muttered term of endearment rolled across foreign syllables?
Wednesday shifted almost imperceptibly, every nerve now exquisitely attuned to the electricity crackling between them in this cramped little nook of floral teacups and roasting espresso beans.
"I...it means 'my darling' in the old Chaldean tongue," she confessed at last, forcing her tone to remain meticulously level. "An oversight of ill-conceived familiarity that won't be-"
But Enid held up a staying hand, the rosy tint of her cheeks and unmistakable sparkle blazing in those summer sky eyes confirming all of Wednesday's worst fears. Or perhaps...her most terrifying, tantalizing hopes.
"You know what, chubbilicious? I think I like being your darling." She reached out, emboldened, and traced the slope of Wednesday's pallid jawline with the faintest brush of fingertips. "Because I'm pretty sure you're the gravitational anchor tethering my entire universe together too..."
Wednesday's pitch severance from how to breathe, to formulate even the most sardonic retort, stretched into infinite silence as eternity seemed to spiral around them amid the cozy coffeehouse din. They simply gazed at each other, suspended in the cosmic vortex of everything yet nothing as their dysfunctional celestial forces collided and melded into something spectacular, something transcendent.
In that infinite fractal, Wednesday allowed the final ramparts around her heart to crumble at last. Because it was Enid's turn to call her darling. And for once in her life, she didn't feel the soul-withering urge to resist salvation when it was so exquisitely, inextricably presented.garkingsmoon?" She breathed, falling into the Enochian term for 'my eternal beloved.'
"More than you could ever fathom," Wednesday husked, surrendering at last as she surged up to capture Enid's mouth in a searing, cataclysmic kiss.
There amid the tangled collision of starving limbs and swirling cosmic energy vortexes, two once-polarized heavenly bodies unified to birth an entirely new celestial event. Their unleashed passion and longing poured into the joining of plush lips, of tangling tongues and roving hands - every synthetic moan and gasped inhalation echoing the birth cries of newly formed galaxies spiraling into existence.
For an eternity unto itself, Wednesday and Enid's merged celestial planes transcended all space, time and continuum to revel in their cosmic coalescence. This wasn't just a series of spellbinding physical gestures, but a soaring concerto of quintessential energy fusing, a molten opus of stardust and tongue-fire communion.
Opposites attracting, compelled by the universe's own infinitely indestructible forces.
And as their joined mouths disintegrated into a fiery nebula of frenzied caresses and silken cries, the first searing wave of the inevitable erupted and flowed over them both, a final sublime singularity forming...
Where once were two exquisite but polarized entities now thrived only a single, dazzling cosmic phenomenon - infinitely eternal, eternally effervescent.
Destined to shine as the most radiant, spellbinding anomaly against an infinite obsidian canvas of existence."So the rumors of the little werelight finding her forever midnight match were true after all," he spat with contempt. "Tell me, abominations - how does it feel to be anchored to the obliterating void for eternity? To forsake all chance of transcendent divinity for your pitiful, fleeting mortal husks?"
Wednesday instinctively shoved Enid behind her, shielding her new wife with protective ferocity as Yoko and Ajax moved to subdue the threat. But Xavier was too quick, vanishing in a murky vapor of shadows and brimstone-tinged mist, his maniacal laughter echoing all around them.
"No force in this realm or the hollows beyond can break the vestige I've damned you to!" He howled in unhinged rapture. "Death will be the only deliverance awaiting you both!"
Chaos erupted as the gathered guests scattered in terror. But through the seismic tumult of raging mystical energies unleashed, Enid found herself anchored by the steadfast force of Wednesday's embrace. Their joined spirits remained a singularity of unified focus and unshakable determination despite the escalating pandemonium.
Because no matter what darkness and demons threatened on this archaic plane or any beyond...their cosmic merging was absolute. Intertwined from the celestial foundations of the multiverse itself. Not even the most virulent of malignant forces could disrupt their eternal coalescence.
As the realities blurred and fractured in the ensuing melee, Enid simply tightened her grip on her beloved - the gravitational anchor that would remain steadfast through all of existence's most violent, inevitable shifts and expansions to come.
A single, unbreakable truth piercing through every oscillation of arcane turmoil and unmaking:
They were eclipsed into one perfect, perpetual celestial union.
And no malevolent force across any realm could ever hope to eclipse their supernova radiance again.

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