Chapter Six- Pain

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Slight hints of pedophilia and a minor character death at the end 


117 AC


She brushed her hair as she looked aimlessly into the mirror. Her husband stirred in their bed and she felt like crying. She took a deep breath in and then out, she had to remain calm, she was a princess, 2nd in line to the throne. That was why she was married to the ugly monster that was her husband.

Her eyes flickered to the scissors on her vanity, she could easily overpower him, if only.

She had never thought much of the man she was now married to a man a little under twice her age. He always creeped her out with the creeping around her and her sisters even her step-mother, Alicent. She had heard stories of him after the death of Harwin and Lyonel Strong. She touched her stomach hoping her womb wouldn't carry the baby of that monster and it didn't.

Alysanne knew it wasn't a good idea but Cregan Stark was too much and she caved, she knew it was bad when she saw her belly swell even though she had not laid with her husband in months.

The baby was huge, tears filled her violet eyes and she sent for her sister and mother. As soon as news was carried Alicent and Rhaenyra arrived, her mother, the more experienced woman tried to tell her it was natural and to calm down. On the other hand, Rhaenyra seemed to be slightly panicked too but was trying to calm herself and Alysanne down but seeing Rhaenyra panicked caused her to stress more.

The baby who she named Rickon looked like Cregan but no one said a thing at the moment except her husband. "He looks more Stark than Strong, still a beautiful boy." Her husband says his cane hitting the floor sharply when he walked. Rhaenyra side eyed him along with Alicent but neither said a word.

Alysanne wanted to kill him even more but she wouldn't for now...

Another child and she was pissed. Lysa, a beautiful girl who looked like her but her husband always had something to say to her and she would not stand for it any longer. With no tears in her eyes, she offered him a ride on Sheepstealer and unfortunately, he fell.

Larys Strong was dead and Alysanne was free

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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