Chapter 2- Alicent

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Authors Note: 

Mention of a stillbirth and a baby dying 

Aegon Targaryen

106 AC

Viserys had been here before and yet he was still anxious. Alysanne had already chosen a dragon egg for the baby and seemed excited while Rhaenyra seemed upset. He hoped his elder daughters would help Alicent with his son but now he doubted it. "Your majesty we have a problem," the midwife tells him.

When Viserys walked into the room, it was smoking like something had caught fire. Alicent was sobbing and the baby was lying on a table. He went to see the baby and saw a boiled-covered creature that seemed burned. He couldn't hold back the horrified gasp. "My sweet Aegon," Alicent wept as she held the small bundle close.


Helaena Targaryen

107 AC

Viserys was scared for this baby after what happened with Aegon, he sat on a stool near the birthing chamber with his daughters who wanted another sister, by the gods, he doubted he could handle another one. His youngest were two-name days old and still rambunctious.

Alicent seemed to be more relaxed and the labour seemed to be quick and relatively painless.

She decided to name the girl Helaena.


Aemond and Verra Targaryen

110 AC

Viserys was tired after two days of keeping his daughters busy besides Rhaenyra who was at Driftmark visiting his cousin. His wife had already gave birth to one babe, a boy, he named Aemond but another one was coming. He had to admit he was scared for his son as he was weak and sickly. When his daughter, Verra, came he felt relief until she also fell sick roughly a moon after her birth. Verra would luckily survive her illness while her twin Aemond would be killed by it shortly after their first name day. His sisters' dragons would end up burning his body at the pyre.


Elaenor Targaryen

116 AC

Viserys was at the end of his rope, he was praying hard for a boy. The two sons he had are dead and he has 10 daughters of which only one is married. He looked up at the ceiling wondering if Rhaenyra was doing alright as she was also in labour. Helaena and Verra were with him waiting for news.

"Your majesty, the baby is a healthy girl. Her grace has named her Elaenor."


Gaela Targaryen

118 AC

Viserys is shocked when Alysanne follows the midwife into his wife's birthing chamber, claiming she was going to help her mother. Viserys would have yelled at the girl but it made Alicent happy. She didn't stay like that for long as he would hear Alicent start to sob. "Am I cursed? Another girl," she sobbed as she went into hysterics. Alysanne held the baby close as she didn't want Alicent to accidentally her. Alysanne ended up coming up with Gaela as a name as Alicent was given milk of the poppy and was in no state to name her.


Alyssa Targaryen

120 AC

Viserys knows that Alicent is tired but luckily the baby comes easily. It shocked Viserys when the young girl had her mother's auburn hair but violet eyes. Alicent held the baby close and announced she would be named Alyssa after Viserys mother.


End Note: 

Aegon was killed per Targaryen magic because I wanted to kill him in a fun way and one that kind of foreshadows his canon self.

Aemond is killed by his cystic fibrosis, Infant death is rare but I feel as if it makes sense here as bacteria is everywhere so he probably got sick. Verra didn't die as her cystic fibrosis wasn't as bad though it may bring problems for her later. 

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