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I stared down at the pancake I was currently cooking, watching it slightly brown up as I heard footsteps behind me

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I stared down at the pancake I was currently cooking, watching it slightly brown up as I heard footsteps behind me. "Why is Brooke Davis crying on my couch over a tub of ice cream?" My father whispered as he grabbed a water from the fridge. "One word, Lucas." I answered as I flipped said pancake onto a plate. "Ohh. No, I don't do teen breakups. There's to many tears and snots and just no." My father quickly shook his head as if it was actually a problem he had to deal with.

"I know. I'm not really sure what to do." I whispered back as I picked up the two plates.
"Yeah, I didn't think you and Brooke were friends." He furrowed his eyes as he leaned against the counter top. "Because we're not." I shrugged before exiting the kitchen, rejoining Brooke in the living room. "Here, eat." I gave Brooke an awkward sad smile as I sat down next to her.

She showed up sobbing on my front step an hour ago, talking about a broken heart and not being able to find or get ahold of Peyton. I lied and told her I had no idea either, even though I knew she was with Lucas. Lying felt pretty shitty so I invited her in to be the shoulder she could cry on.

"Thank you." She sniffled as she cut off a piece of the blueberry pancake, sliding it into her mouth.
"Do you really think it's a good idea to be watching this?" I questioned as I gestured to the tv, I'm not sure what was playing but it was on a scene where the two main characters were breaking up and it definitely wasn't making her feel any better.

"How could he do this to me, Whitney? How!?" She cried out as she turned to me.
"Did he say anything to you?" She questioned, making my eyes slightly widen. "No, Brooke, of course not." I lied which made me feel so shitty.
But it wasn't my place to tell her about Peyton and Lucas. I mean she has a right to know but I think they should be the ones to tell her, not me.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even have come here, I mean you're Lucas' best friend-" She started to ramble as she uncovered herself in my fluffy blanket, abruptly standing up. "Hey, no. Brooke, it's fine." I shrugged it off but she kept shaking her head. "I showed up a mess here on a Saturday, you probably have plans- oh my god! You probably have a date cause that's what girls with boyfriends do and I just- I came here and ruined your weekend and ate all your cookie dough ice cream." She ranted on.

I stood with her as she finished, placing my hands on the sides of her face. "Brooke!" I somewhat shouted, making sure she'd stay quiet for a minute. "I didn't have any plans, Nathan's busy so I was free and bored and I don't care if you ate my ice cream, I'll go buy another tub." I shrugged my shoulders and watched as a very small smile crossed her lips.

"That's exactly what we'll do." She nodded her head, confusing me. "What exactly are we talking about?" I furrowed my brows as she quickly grabbed her bag off of the coffee table, grabbing my hand at the same time and pulling me towards the front door. "Shopping! Shopping cures everything." She smiled again. I was beyond confused, she was just absolutely broken on my couch and now she was all... cheery.

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