ben x slenderman pt.1

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The Slenderman finally sat up in his chair and clasped his hands together, elbows propped neatly up on the desk he sat behind. His thin, claw-like fingers laced together, and the faceless creature tilted his head.

Ben couldn't tell if the other was thinking or waiting for a response. He opened his mouth to speak after a few more uncomfortable seconds passed, but Slenderman took it as an opportunity to abruptly stand and stare down at Ben with a faceless glare.

"My rules are few," hissed a deep voice into his mind, and he flinched. "But you know my price for your safety, and you have not paid."

"I will!" Ben rushed to defend himself. "Just give me like, a few more days or something, I'll figure it out!"

Slenderman slammed a huge fist down onto the old wooden desk. "Silence!"

Ben shut his mouth. He wanted to say more, but knew he had already made the other more angry than he would've liked.

"Three souls every new moon." Slenderman's voice had toned down to an icy calm. "Three is all I ask, and I ask for them on time. The moon is nearly at it's fullest and you have brought to me not a single sacrifice."

When he said no more, Ben felt that maybe it was safe to talk again, and he chose his words very carefully. "I know the price, and I know I haven't been good about bringing you the sacrifices in time," he began slowly. "But I have things that have been going on lately, and this- this 'full moon' system you have going on can be just a little confusing sometimes, but I-I get it. I'll do better."

"Better," Slenderman echoed with a mock surprise. "Oh, certainly, Benjamin! I'll just let you off the hook once more, and no matter how many times you claim that you will do better," he spat the word. "and fail to do so, I'll just keep letting it slide."

Ben stood up and smiled nervously. "Great! So..."

"Sit down!"

Ben plopped back down into his uncomfortable plastic chair and grabbed onto the sides, staring up at the creature desperately. "Look, there's gotta be something- anything, I could do for you to make up for it?"

Slenderman sat back down into his own chair and crossed his arms. "You could bring me the souls I request when I request them," he suggested with an exaggerated shrug.

"Suicide isn't exactly a quick way to kill someone. Driving them to that takes time," Ben protested truthfully.

"Then you need to start finding other ways."

"I don't mind doing that," Ben answered honestly. "But that's still something that I'll need to work on, I might need help."

Slenderman seemed to seriously consider that. After a long pause, he said, "You know, I could pair you up with Jeffery and see if he's any help to you."

Ben tilted his head a little. "Jeffery?"

Slenderman waved his hand dismissively. "Another of my proxies who lives in the human realm. He's never once had an issue with bringing me what I need. In fact, he'd bring me triple that if I ever asked."

Then why don't you get him to do all this shit? Ben wanted to say, but knew better. "Whatever you want, I'll do it. Just cut me some slack while I'm getting used to this, okay?" he begged. "I haven't been with you for very long, and this is still something that I'm getting used to."

When the demon didn't respond, Ben's mind raced to try and think of some way to persuade him to loosen up a little. A tiny little idea popped into his mind, and he wondered if something so low could actually work. It had worked on many others when he was... too young, but Ben was nineteen now, and was starting to realize that stooping to that level might actually end up covering his ass and letting him get out of whatever punishment Slenderman was trying to come up with now.

Ben gulped as he decided to wing it and roll with his plan. He stood up, coming to stand on the right side of the desk, leaning his hip against it cutely. "I'm sure there's some way I could make up for what I haven't been able to pay these last few months..." he cooed, lifting a hand to twirl a long strand of blonde hair around his finger.

He was lucky as hell that he was feeling cute today, or else this would've been a disaster. But before coming to this office to speak with his Master, Ben had actually showered and his skin was soft and his hair was all long and wavy down his shoulders, where he wore a baggy black shirt that fell loosely over one shoulder, and a pair of tight little black shorts. He wasn't even wearing any shoes since the office was just downstairs of his bedroom in the cabin.

Slenderman turned in his chair to face the elf, his arms still crossed. "And what did you have in mind?" he asked slowly.

Ben glanced off to the side, stepping a little closer. "U-Uh, well-"

"Did you really think you were going to try and get out of this by getting me to feel weak over your little body?"

Ben felt his face burn bright red. His pointed ears lowered, one of them flicking nervously. "Would it... have worked?" he asked in a squeaky voice, baring his fangs in a forced grin.

After a moment of silence, Slenderman sighed and shook his head, but Ben heard a short laugh near the end. "Okay."

Ben's ears perked. Okay? Was Slenderman just going to let him walk out now, and that was it? No punishment? No payments? He let out a sigh of relief until Slenderman continued:

"Let me see how you intend to make up for all of your failed attempts at bringing me what I need. I'd like to see just what it is you have to offer."

Ben stared, dumbfounded. Does... he for real want me to... have sex with him or something? I didn't plan this far ahead! How do I even do that? I'm scared to know what his dick even looks like... He swallowed, nervously shrugging.

"Unless, of course," Slenderman waved his hand and turned his chair back under the desk. "You'd rather me think of some sort of way to punish you for your lack of cooperation to my rules."

"W-Wait!" Ben yelped, grabbing the creature's arm. "Look," he began, voice cracking. "I'll let you do whatever you want to me if you're really interested." He lowered his voice to a whisper and felt his face flush dark red. "I promise I'll go through with your plan of setting me up with that guy to work on my training, and figure out some way to get my payments to you sooner. But just this time, I'll let you have your way with me if you want. If you even... do that sort of thing? I dunno, whatever demon sex thing you do, you can do it to me if you just let me-"

"Ben," Slenderman cut him off gently, turning the chair around once again to face the elf. "Slow down. You're fine. You don't have to worry about the payments for now. However..." his deep voice lowered, and he slid a finger under Ben's small chin to tilt his head back, a sharp claw tracing over his plump bottom lip. "I wouldn't mind playing with you."

Ben felt goosebumps crawl up his skin, and he visibly shivered. It was all too easy to get him excited when he didn't have anyone to hook up with and, suddenly, he wanted to know what it would be like to have sex with a creature like The Slenderman. He swallowed hard, only able to stare up at the faceless head and give a small nod.

The hand pulled away slowly, the claw tracing down Ben's chin and neck as it did. Then Slenderman stood up, back to his usual business-like posture and tone. "Well then, I'll give you some paperwork on Jeffery's whereabouts as soon as I can, and we'll fix you up with a little extra work." He stepped over to the door and opened it as he usually did when seeing a proxy out.

Ben had to catch his breath, his head spinning. "O-Okay, yeah, thanks." He stumbled awkwardly to the door.

"And Ben," the demon purred to him in a low voice just as Ben had stepped out into the hallway, placing a large hand on his lower back. "Do consider my offer. It was a very serious one."

The door was closed, and Ben was left to stand in the dimly lit hallway alone, his red eyes wide and his mouth halfway open.

Oh my God, he thought as he began to walk quickly back to his room. Slenderman wants to fuck me. And I think I kinda want him to.

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