Chapter 6

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"Dude this is a horrible idea!"

"Why?! You said to get a hobby and now I found one." Bakugo said matter of fact as he continued jogging in place on one of the treadmills in the gym.

"But that isn't a hobby man!" Kirishima tried to reason with the blond for what felt like the hundredth time with no luck in sight. "A hobby is more like painting or.... boating or...." When he saw Bakugo raise an unimpressed brow he turned to Kaminari. "Dude help me out here."

"He's right. A hobby is more like the things you really like doing in you free time like playing with the band." Kaminari panted trying to keep pace with the other two.

"Yeah? And who said I liked doing that." Bakugo gave a small, wicked grin when he saw Kaminari's unamused expression.

"I so felt that one dude."

"Beside you just said a hobby is something I like doing." Bakugo redirected their conversation to this ridiculous topic, instead of trying to force him to admit something he actually didn't mind doing with the band, otherwise he wouldn't have still been doing it after all this time.

"Yeah, but that's still considered working." Kaminari frowned when another thought crossed his mind. "But then again if you like your job, I guess there's nothing wrong with it."

"Not helping." Kirishima's lip turned down into a frown. "Not even in the slightest."

"Shitty Hair just relax ok, it's just a dumb case."

"Oh, then how come you're so interested in it?"

"Because those Ipponmichi bastards have been messing with us for far too long and it's time to put them down." Bakugo exasperatedly sighed wondering what the deal was today with Kirishima. Ever since he let him in on his plan the red head has done nothing but try and dissuade him from doing it. He's gone on and on all weekend to try and convince him not to get involved and frankly he was getting tired of it. "Surprise you don't even want in on it idiot."

"I never said I didn't." Kirishima mumbled while rubbing the back of his head. "All I'm saying is that it seems that they have it handled without us." When Kirishima didn't hear him snap back like he normally would he glance sideways to see him solely focused on his run. "Bedside's how do you plan on joining their group when they already have a team specifically assigned to it?"

"I already spoke with Icy hot about it earlier and he seems to think it's a good idea but says it's up to Hawks. Plan on talking to that damn big bird after this." Bakugo's smirk came back that told the red head all there was to know. That once Bakugo made up his mind about something there was no way to convince him otherwise. "Supposed to be in today or some shit."

"Well, that's just great." Kirishima overdramatically sighed. Hopefully once he heard from Hawks himself that it was a no go, then maybe his bro would just let it go. The last thing he or any one of them wanted was for Bakugo to get even more involved than he already was. Although he did understand Bakugo's interest in catching everyone responsible and could admit that he always seemed to have a keen eye on the little details that some of the others would miss in any cases or missions they were assigned to.

"Hey, I know what you need!" Kaminari suddenly piped up with a skip in his jog. "Maybe if you just got laid you wouldn't be so uptight all the time and finally allow yourself time to relax."

"What?!" Whipping his head sideways Bakugo's eyes began to angrily twitch the more Kaminari continued talking unaware of the growing hostility next to him.

"I'm just saying you've been this way ever since I can remember and maybe if you met a nice girl or something she'd rub off on you."

"And who the hell says I need someone?! I'm fine the way I am!"

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