Chapter 5

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AN: Hey everyone, hope you've enjoyed this so far been meaning to update more like I usually do but been feeling sick for a week now and just got my voice back 😌. Plus been trying to make sure I get this just right for you all. so hope you like it.

Gripping his bed sheet tightly he continued to grunt in his sleep. The sweat trickling down his forehead continued to gather and pick up along with his heavy breathing as the soft voice continued to whisper and moan his name over and over again. He could feel both bodies sliding against each other in a mixture of sweat and ecstasy that only she could provide. But he couldn't see her face since it was being obscured by the darkness. Always the darkness.

But he could feel her. Feel her moan and whimper beneath him. He felt his own lips moving but couldn't hear what was being said. It was as if a box of cotton balls was being shoved into his ears anytime he attempted to listen in on who he was talking to.

Groaning, he felt himself losing control with every touch of her soft hands. Every kiss of her sweet lips, the whispers in his ears and the soft curve of her body against his.

"I love you Katsuki...please forgive me..." Gasping for air, he looked down with wide shocked eyes as his chest rose and feel. His other hand was gripping his phone so tight he was sure to break it, the alarm clock on his bedside blaring for him to get up.

Rolling over on his back he threw his phone to the side and took deep breaths while staring wide eyed at the ceiling. "Shit." He breathed out, his voice sounding strained to his own ears. With every passing second, he could still recall every detail of his dream, everything except who he was with. It continued to frustrate him that he couldn't figure out why he was having these dreams or with who.

Kicking off the covers he shot out of bed and walked into his bathroom. Today was Friday so after his morning routing and breakfast he threw on a grey hoodie and black pants before sliding his duffle bag over his shoulder and heading outside to mount his motorcycle.

He knew Kirishima must've still been asleep since it was still about an hour and a half before it was time to get to work, but he preferred arriving early which was one of the habits he made sure to keep along with a healthy lifestyle. Usually, he would be banging on his door by now but since he knew the red head had stayed long after he left the club, he'd let him sleep in this one time.

Upon parking his motorcycle, he pulled up his hoodie to avoid any unwanted attention as he made his way into the Agency. Once inside he was instantly greeted by the front desk receptionist who always seemed overly happy whenever he walked in, which always annoyed the hell out of him.

"Dynamight hi!"

Rolling his eyes he cursed under his breath as he begrudgingly began walking on over.

"Always so early." She giggled. "How are you this morning?"

Slowly blinking back, he wondered how the hell someone had this much energy this early in the day. Hell, he could even say Deku himself found it difficult to be up this early with a smile on his face so how the hell did this extra manage it.

Shaking his head he quickly interrupted anything she was going on about. "Don't care. Messages."

"Oh Mr. Todoroki said another meeting is scheduled for Tuesday morning. Your mother told me to remind you to answer your phone-"

Grunting, he snatched up the messages she handed him since he could look over them himself without having to count on someone else to do it for him. "Hawks here?" He asked while skimming over the messages."

"Um no." She kept the chipper smile on her face. "He probably won't be in until Monday."


"Oh and Ms. Shigeta is waiting for you in your office!" Honoka cringed when she saw his shoulder stiffen as he made his way to the elevators.

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