Chapter 1

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"Who am I? That's the thought that has been plaguing my mind recently. Or the better question is...who do I want to be. My name's Ochaco Uraraka- yes, the same girl that graduated from UA High school in Japan a year ago. The very same school that's trained some of the world's greatest heroes we see today. If you asked me back then if I saw myself being this far away from the people I loved, then my answer would definitely have been 'no'."

"But...even though this was the hardest choice I ever had to make and one I definitely didn't want to. It at least brought me some clarity as to why I was even doing this in the first place. I mean, I went to that school to learn how to become the best hero I can be, right? So, I will do it. I will do what I have to, even if it means sacrificing my own happiness for someone else. Even if it means walking through life on my own. I will do it. I will keep smiling, I will keep fighting the good fight and I will keep doing my job. And I will do it knowing that I can make a difference. So, this is where I find myself now, working alongside people I care about and doing what I love. My hero name's Uravity, and this is my final story of my life after UA High."


"Alright guys, how are we doing on time?" A quiet voice filled the air outside the empty museum building.

"Going in now." Hagakure spoke into her earpiece as she continued to descend further down.

"Girl try not to mess it up this time." Mina whispered making sure she wasn't drawing any unwanted attention from outside. It was already night by the time they made it up on the roof of the Galleria dell'Accademia, hoping to find their target while fancy party guests continued to filter into one of the nearby buildings that currently held one of the largest parties of the year. "The last thing we need is another freaking lecture from Hawks."

"As if you could do any better." Hagakure grinned as she continued to be lowered down by an invisible force. "Woah not so fast Ocha-I mean Uravity!"

"Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night." Uraraka yawned, shaking her head to help get rid of her fatigue. "But don't worry I've got you Invisible girl."

"I know what you mean. Stupid time difference always cuts my phone calls with Ojiro so short unless I want to lose out on some sleep." Hagakure hummed looking down the corridor to try and make sure it was still empty.

"Can we please talk about something else for us single people?" Mina pouted next to Uraraka while looking over from the roof where the skylight was and seeing the lights flickering outside from the nearby party wishing they were there instead.

"Mina's right. Let's get what we came for." Uraraka focused all her energy to not drop their friend least they set off all the alarms in this whole place.

"Don't worry guys I've got Tokoyami and Thunderbird covering the exists in case things goes sideways as well as my feathers and our man on the inside." Hawks could be heard over their coms.

"Urgh, were you listening this whole time?" Mina groaned making Uraraka giggle and shake her head.

"That's my job Pinky, I'm the boss after all." Hawks curtly nodded as he continued to observe the guests that passed him by and tried to hide his smile with the glass in his hand. "I wouldn't be great doing what I do if I didn't keep an eye out for my Hawks Angels now would I?"

"Noooo..." they all groaned in irritation. "For the last time stop calling us that!"

"Couldn't agree more."

"Thank you Tokoyami." Uraraka squinted her eyes trying to make out where Hagakure could've been. "How are things looking over there? Any movements?"

"None outside at the moment, but Thunderbird said he heard movement from inside so keep your guard up."

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