Chapter 3

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Katsuki Bakugo could vaguely recall only a few times he's been caught off guard in his life and most of the times it did include her. So, it was only expected when he found himself unable to do anything but stare in awe as his old classmate continued to smile down at them the way she always did like a beacon of hope and kindness and in that instance, it felt like a whole year hadn't even gone by and she'd never left. Hell, even the damn sun was hitting her in a way that made her look like some damn goddess, so what else was he supposed to do but stare.

She looked about the same except he could tell that she'd grown from the timid girl he knew first year to this woman now standing in front of them. Her hair was cut much shorter too than he was used to, but she still had those rosy, pink cheeks he remembered all too well and her rich brown colored doe eyes that began to pinch shut as her pleasant smile grew.

No matter how much she tried not to she just couldn't stop smiling or the flutter of butterflies in her stomach. Her eyes flicked between the two with Kirishima happily grinning in the toothy way he always did while Bakugo...well she couldn't really tell what he was thinking. But one thing was certain that both men were surprised.

She used this moment to let her eyes linger on his face, tracing every line and etching every detail into memory. She had dreamed about this moment so many times since she left and began feeling the hint of tears collecting in the rim of her eyes overflowing with pure happiness. As much as she didn't' want to feel this way knowing how much that would hurt her in the end, she shoved all that aside for now and welcomed the sight of him. The sight of the only man who still held her heart.

He looked the same although taller and she couldn't deny the fact that he still hit the gym religiously no doubt by the way his well-built broad muscular chest and defined abs could be seen through his black tank top and the way his strong ripped arms continued to rest on either side of him in shock, his hair was still as wild as ever which she was glad since that always explained his unique personality, but she did notice that it was now slightly trimmed, no doubt in an attempt to make it look more tamed.

Kirishimas eyes didn't miss the look of admiration in Bakugo's eyes that held the same expression as it did back in their UA days when they saw Uraraka float herself up on the rooftop of the school to speak to all the people to let Deku stay, and the many times after. But he was curious to know why she was here.

Clearing his throat Kirishima saw her eyes quickly dart back to him as Bakugo whipped his head away in an obvious attempt to hide the slow growing warmth on his cheeks at being caught staring like an idiot.

"Hey Uraraka, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, well I-" Pressing on her earpiece she firmly nodded before floating herself off the bus. "Got it, I'm on my way." Launching herself upwards with the support of her rocket boots she hesitantly looked back over her shoulder before going in the direction Tokoyami had told her the third van heading straight towards the train station.

"Wait!" Kirishima raised his hand only to watch her leave. Rubbing his head he turned to see Bakugo already grabbing him preparing to shot off in the same direction. "Oh man, not again."

"Uravity?" Mina spoke into her earpiece watching with panicked eyes as the train tracks a few meters in front of them began to move and bend in unnatural ways. "We have a slight problem here."

"What is it?"

"Well do you remember how I volunteered to help stop the train from colliding with the villains?"


"Well..." Turning her head she could see the conductor frantically pointing his finger towards the quickly approaching unshaped train tracks. "Seems one of their quirks is to control metal or something because if I'm not mistaken, WE'RE ABOUT TO DIE!"

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