Chapter 7

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For the first time in weeks, Lacet felt the sun beat down over his head and the warm wind of the desert on his face. Immediately upon emerging from the entranceway leading down into Luxenthras, he regretted not bringing a hat along with him. By the time he carried down the supplies to camp, there was every chance he'd be as red as a lobster by dinner; sunburnt and peeling.

Krags, he really should have packed some healing salve with him. That was one thing he wouldn't be forgetting any time soon.

Sweat pouring down his face, Lacet watched as a volgstag raced up into view. The volgstag were giant lizard-like creatures with six heavyset legs which allowed them to move quickly over the sand. Just like their appearances would suggest, they also had a vicious temper to boot. It boggled the mind how such creatures had been domesticated for centuries by the various tribes of the Valessei Alliance. Although, according to Olaeniph, despite their appearance and temperaments, volgstags were herbivores that fed on desert grass.

As the volgstag clambered over the last steps leading up to the plateau housing the entrance to Luxenthras, a short figure hopped off the creature's back.

"You are one named Augustine, yes?" asked the Valesseian in a clipped tone, her accent faint. She looked around. "Where are others? These supplies are heavy. I do not think man like you could take them all down."

Lacet fought hard to keep his smile polite, though her comments and tone had him bristling. He hated when he was underestimated. "No others. Just me."

The Valesseian raised a brow. "You may be tall but one man is not enough," she said. "I bring much."

"It won't be a problem," replied Lacet. With a click of his fingers, he had the supply crates hovering in mid-air. It was a trick he had learned from Marus back during their Academy days. And while it looked impressive to the masses, it was a fairly mundane spell most mages learned in their first year.

Eyes wide, the Valesseian made the sign of the Goddess across her chest. "F-forgive my impudence. I meant no d-disrespect, master sorcerer."

"It's fine," said Lacet, uncomfortable at the warmth spreading through his chest. Was this why Marus always seemed to delight in the attention of others? It certainly did feel nice. But Lacet had never felt being a mage made him more special than others, especially as his skills were middling at best. "My fault, really. Should have mentioned I could use magic."

"No, the fault lies with me. I should presume not." The Valesseian looked him up and down before frowning as realisation dawned on her. "You are not Augustine."

Lacet shook his head. "No. My name's Lacet. I joined the expedition not too long ago. A few weeks, in fact. Olaeniph was my guide. Do you know him?"

"My brother!" answered the Valesseian. "He mentioned this to me when last we met. More fool I for not realising it. Humans all look alike to me. Especially when from same kingdom. But maybe I should know because you dress differently and did not have the face hair Augustine had."

Something twigged in Lacet's memory. A discussion that he had shared with his guide as they had traversed the desert sands. "Then you must be Olaenis. Your brother told me many stories about his family. It is a pleasure to finally meet you. Would you care to come down and have some tea?" He motioned down towards Luxenthras. "It would be my pleasure to show you around the city too."

Olaenis hesitated at the top of the stairs leading down into the forgotten city as she considered his offer. Like many of her people, she regarded an offer of hospitality highly. "Although I am grateful for your proposal, I am afraid I cannot," she said, making once more the sign of the Goddess. "The City of Light is forbidden to us of the faith."

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