Chapter One - The Escpae

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    Three special boys from Mexico who had enough of the life they were pursuing in their homeland decided to come up with a plan! This plan was epic and it would free them from the bondage they were in. These three boys'  names are Jacob, Chad, and Jonah! One of the three boys, Jacob had decided to get two other friends from the US, who were Latino, to join their scheme, and these two boys' names were Charlie and Evan.

    So, with the help of two other friends all five of them set off to the Mexican-US border! Chad cast a rope over the wall and connected to this rope was a graveling hook! Both Jonah and Jacob climbed up to the rope and lagging was Chad. "VAMO! VAMO!" cried Charlie. All three of the boys rushed over the wall and they escaped in Evan's and Charlie's van!

So, what will happen next time?


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