Valentine is still buzzing from the slight term of endearment he received.

This big, strong, attractive man had spoken to him like he was delicate. Like he was a freshly grown flower sprouting in early spring, untainted by the world and deserving of care.

Valentine didn't deserve that, no matter how much he craved it.

He was damaged and scarred. No man would ever want him. Not in the way he truly needed.

He knew that he just had to remind himself every now and then. Every time he got a little ahead of himself.

It didn't take the hurt away though. Nothing did because he knew that with every kind word, there would be a word of abuse to replace it.

He knew that. He knew that. He knew that.

Maybe Maverick was right, maybe he did need a break.

That was unrealistic though. He didn't have the luxury of that.

Today he would work and he would work hard that way Greyson wouldn't have the right to say that he was failing at his job.

It didn't matter that he only had two hours of sleep and was running on a few bites of oatmeal. He would do this because he had to because he had to prove to his boss that he could do it and he would, no matter what was thrown at him.


"Where are my reports from yesterday?" Valentine flinches when he hears Greyson's harsh voice for the hundredth time that day.

After Greyson got back from lunch with Maverick he hadn't left him alone for a second. It had been five hours of this and it didn't seem like there was an end in sight.

"They're right here, sir," Valentine said as he got up from his desk and pointed to a stack of papers lying on Greyson's. He tried to keep the exhaustion from his voice but it was getting harder and harder.

"Hmmm." He hums as he grabs the papers, not sparing a glance at Valentine. "Get me a coffee, would you? It's gonna be a long night." Greyson grumbles, not entirely asking but demanding.

"Of course, sir. Do you want me to do that before or after I clean up my stuff for the day?" Valentine asks after glancing at the clock. It was almost 5:30, he'd have to leave to pick up Luca soon if he was gonna get there by 6.

Greyson peers at Valentine over his paperwork, giving him a pointed glare.

"A long night for the both of us." He says coldly. "Unless of course that interferes with a second job of yours?"

Valentine looks at him incredulously at the question wishing that Maverick was here and not in a meeting so he could back him up.

Well, he thinks, that wouldn't go very well either.

Maverick couldn't know.

"Of course not, sir. I... I ummmm... I just can't stay any longer. I have somewhere to be." Valentine risks the words. The thought of leaving Luca at daycare longer than promised was like a knife to the chest.

"Is that so? Well then if you have commitments in other places then I guess-" Greyson goes to say but is cut off by an urgent Valentine.

"No! No, I mean. It's fine, I can make it work. I'll make it work." He says in a poor attempt to convince himself that he can figure out Luca while also staying here longer. "I-I'm just gonna go get your coffee." He says as he awkwardly shuffles out of the room.

Valentine makes it to the break room as quickly as possible. The first thing he does when he gets there is pull his old iPhone five out to call the only person he can think of.

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