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After handing over the recording to the principal, an unexpected twist occurred. Instead of being punished, Clemensia emerged unscathed thanks to Dr. Gaul's fervent defense before the faculty assembly. Dr. Gaul argued that she had been a victim of a scheduling confusion and had not intended to provide a false alibi. Her convincing defense and her influence over the other professors ensured Clemensia's impunity. Although Aurora was disappointed with the outcome, she could not deny Dr. Gaul's ability to manipulate the situation in her favor. Now, with Clemensia free of blame, Aurora found herself confronted with the reality that her fight for justice did not always result in the expected outcomes.

After that, the principal gave a lecture about the case and allowed Aurora to return to school, ending her community service. Nevertheless, Aurora continued to frequent the orphanage, as she had formed a special bond with the children. She was also very grateful to Nyx and Aria for their help.

During the lecture, the principal also paid tribute to Sejanus, lamenting his absence and reiterating the young man's innocence. With the third year coming to an end and graduation approaching in three months, Aurora wondered if Coryo and Sejanus would be present at the ceremony. Uncertainty hung in the air, but Aurora maintained hope that fate would reserve a positive outcome for them.

As time passed and the absence of Coryo and Sejanus became more palpable, Aurora sought refuge in the orphanage. There, she found solace and purpose in spending time with the children, each with their own story of loss and struggle. Initially, Aurora visited the orphanage to distract her mind and fill the void left by her friends' departure. However, as days turned into weeks, she discovered new meaning in her visits. Through the innocent smiles of the children and their stories of resilience, Aurora found inspiration and hope amid the darkness that seemed to envelop her. Gradually, she became a constant presence at the orphanage, dedicating her free time to help with daily tasks, organize activities, and above all, provide emotional support to the children who needed it so much.

As days turned into weeks, the absence of Coriolanus and Sejanus became a tangible silence in Aurora's life. However, she channeled her energy into a purpose, dedicating herself to the orphanage.

For Aurora, every moment at the orphanage was an opportunity to make a difference. She helped with daily chores, taught the children, and organized games that filled the air with laughter and joy. Maven, with her curious eyes and endless questions, soon became a constant companion. Nyx and Aria also had a lot of fun. They were very happy after learning from Aurora that everything had turned out right.

"Maven, have you finished your homework?" Aurora asked with a smile as she wiped down the table.

"Yes! And I drew a castle with a princess and a dragon!" Maven replied with an enthusiastic nod.

Aurora observed Maven's drawing, seeing more than colorful scribbles; she saw the expression of dreams and hopes of a child who deserved a bright future.

"It's beautiful, Maven. You have an incredible talent."

Maven smiled, her face lit up by the compliment. She grabbed Aurora's hand, pulling her toward the small garden behind the orphanage.

"Come see the flowers I planted! They're growing!"

In the garden, Maven's flowers were small spots of color against the brown earth. Aurora knelt beside her, admiring the girl's work.

"You've taken good care of them. They are strong, just like you," Aurora exclaimed in admiration.

Maven looked at Aurora, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and happiness.

"When I grow up, I want to be like you, Aurora."

"You'll be even better, Maven," she replied with a smile.

Maven's words touched Aurora's heart, and she realized that, despite the absence of Coriolanus and Sejanus, her life was filled with meaningful moments. Maven had become a small light on her path, a reminder that even on the darkest days, there was always room for new friendships and new beginnings.

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