Loving him was Red

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A/N: I noticed that this chapter was completely unformatted, which made it difficult to read. Sorry, not an update. :(


Aurora was so hurried that, as she stepped off the train, she barely noticed the mysterious woman waiting for her at the station.

"Aurora." The woman called her, and she recognized her instantly. The woman's appearance, deeply engraved in her mind, stirred recent memories. "How are you?"

"I have so many questions," Aurora spoke as she approached the woman, somewhat desperate. This month had been the most confusing of her life.

"I know, dear. Come with me." The woman guided Aurora to the quieter part of the station. "You can ask."

They sat down close to each other. Aurora wanted to know many things: the woman's name, whether she was from the future or the present, what her future would be like, among other things.

"Am I doing something right? Has anything really changed?" She didn't know if the woman could know that, but that was the question that haunted her the most. And it didn't seem like the woman would stay for long.

"Aurora, everything has changed since the moment we first saw each other." The vague answer didn't please Aurora. The woman noticed the girl's confused expression and added, "Everything I showed you happened over and over again. I know it by heart." The woman spoke as if it were tiresome for her to repeat:

"Coriolanus wins the Games. He is intelligent and cunning. But the real game begins when he is sent to District 12 as a Peacekeeper. He tries to create a new life, a new image, but the past cannot be erased." The vision of Coriolanus shooting the birds resurfaced in Aurora's mind. She remained silent, allowing the woman to continue.

"He gets involved with Lucy Gray. A romance that seems destined, but things fall apart when Lucy discovers Coriolanus's role in the death of Sejanus Plinth, her best friend. Unknowingly, he sealed Sejanus's fate by denouncing him to the Capitol."

Aurora swallowed hard, feeling the weight of betrayal and tragedy. "He... he betrays his own friend?"

The woman nodded with regret. "Coriolanus's past haunts him, and the shadow of Sejanus looms over him. Lucy Gray discovers the truth, can't overcome the betrayal. Their relationship crumbles, leaving Coriolanus with the weight of his choices."

Aurora was immersed in dark thoughts. "This is horrible. He condemned his own friend to death?"

"The line between ally and enemy, loyalty and betrayal, is thin in the Hunger Games and in the Capitol. Coriolanus, in his quest for survival, will pay a high price. But you, Aurora, have a role to play in all of this." Aurora's eyes widened, surprised.

The woman smiled enigmatically. "The future is woven by many threads, and each choice, each action, creates a new plot. You have the power to change things, to influence events. The question is: what will you do with this information?" Aurora felt a knot forming in her stomach. Faced with a crossroads, she understood that the choices she made would shape not only the destiny of Coriolanus Snow but also her own.

"I..." she murmured, "I don't know."

The woman reached out, gently touching Aurora's shoulder. "Answers will unfold at the right time. Keep in mind that life is not just a dichotomy between black and white; it moves in shades of gray, where true choices manifest. Trust your intuition and strengthen yourself. When the boy is near, you'll need to take a firm stand, no compromises. Treat him as the antagonist that fate will turn him into. Don't tolerate his selfish actions, but also avoid closing the doors to the possibility of understanding. Find the balance between assertiveness and discernment, for it is in that space that true influences will shape the course of events."

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