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okayyy guys this is my first wrestling book so if it's a bit choppy and sucky at first please just go along with it lol . also this is sorta my first book but not really because i have tons in my drafts lmao. now some characters and storylines are made through me but other than that everything else is respectfully owned by wwe. this book takes place around 2013 (the shield era!) also some of the superstars personal lives are probably going to be different and some of the storylines that were further down the timeline might just happen more earlier just to make this book flow more.

lowercase is intended!!

there will be plenty of flashbacks in here so you can get more of a backstory on the main character and some of the other stars together. the story is going to be written in 1st pov but flashback and other important chapters will be in 3rd pov! and not gonna lie it's kind of hard writing the wrestling matches lmaoaoa so that is something im going to have to get better at. i also kind of want to make wwe more real to were it's not all that scripted in this book.

another thing, i honestly don't know if anyone will read this because i don't know if people are still in the wwe fandom or the shield fandom or even the dean ambrose fandom but im hoping this finds the right audience!


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