part 1 (marriage)

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Another POV

Lan qiren throw the cup of tea in his hand angrily and get up.
"How dare that lan bai yi go against my desition and how come lan zhan can go against my willingness" he said and come out of his chembur.

Going to the main meeting hall where everyone one was sitting.

The right group was sitting on their sits and a boy who was dressed in complete red robs and sitting on the ground on his knees and besides him their was a another a man? Wearing bridal robs?.

Lan qiren got into the room and behind him there was his group members known as left masters where coming behind him and seeing the unbelievable scene.

"How come you can accept this boy as the lan furen as the lan empress how can a boy can be empress?" He said loudly and looking at the old man who was sitting on the chair really calmly like nothing has happened…or this is what he was getting ready for…

"At first! Clan down lan… you are breking the rules and at second it was your idea wasn't it?" He said calmly again taking the sip of his tea and then looked at the a boy who's face was hidden by the Vail.

"Yes! It was but I was asking for Jiang wanyin not for this unknown son of a guard, he-he does not even have a royal blood. How come you can get married lan zhan to this person lan zhan is the king of this kingdom!" Saying him loudly

"Qiren! You can't say anything to the empress of this kingdom like this! We can't do anything he is already married to lan wangji. And if you didn't forget it's the rule of lan clan that if the marriage take place we can't get them apart without any reason" lan bai yi said and all other masters start talking about this they know these are in rules and they can't go against it.

"Lan zhan! You know that he is not Jiang wanyin then why did you accept him?" Lan qiren asked lan zhan.

"Lan empress!" Said lan zhan get up and give his hand to the person who was sitting on his knees he got up and said again.
" Uncle!  Don't forget that I'm your king and I can choose whom I want to marry and I'm married now to wei wuxian who is now lan wuxian and the lan furen. You wanted me to marry a Jiang femily member he is also a member of Jiang… and about jiangs? How can marry a girl who's already in love with Jin jixuan and the Jiang wanyin who ran away from this marriage!" He said and the anger in his voice can be heard.

Yes he was angry first he didn't wanted to get married and then he got to know that his soon to be wife is already in love with the crown prince of Jin jixuan and lan zhan don't want someone who is already in love with a another person. After a lot of fights with his uncle and making everyone understands that he can't get married to a person who is already in relationship.

But because of his uncle's attitude he has to get married to a man yes a man Jiang wanyin also known as Jiang Cheng who has a really bad anger issue. Nor lan zhan neither Jiang wanyin wanted this marriage to happen so Jiang wanyin ran away and lan zhan knew that he has ran away because madam yu the wife of the clan leader Jiang don't wanted his son to get married to lan zhan she knows that If her son got married to lan zhan he won't get anything not even the Jiang clan because the lan furen is always in the harem and handling the matters there.

The lan empress are not allowed to go out without the emperor.

So she also not like the idea her son getting married to lan wangji.

Thought she wanted her daughter to get married to lan wangji but she can't do anything her daughter is already in love with the hair of Jin clan Jin clan is also a powerful clan not as much as lan clan but better then jiangs.

But because of lan qiren and Jiang famiya are good childhood friend even after knowing that Jiang yanli don't want to get married.

They decided to get their son and nephew got married.

Lan qiren wanted lan zhan to get married to a royal blood and he knows that jiang yanli is the best option because he knows the wen clan don't have a daughter and the daughter of Jin clan is young so she won't be able to handle the harem so he wanted Jiang yanli to be the lan furen even after knowing that she is already in love with Jin jixuan and even after knowing this he tried so many times to confess everyone to get them both married but it doesn't happens so he got a idea that why not get lan zhan get married to Jiang wanyin because it's allowed to get two mans married thought the cases are so rare but still it's possible.

And jiang wanyin is a royal blood and if he even get in the bad with lan zhan his blood won't get dirty and when the people will ask for hair he can get lan zhan a concubine from a another big clan and if the girl give them a hair their relationship with another kingdom will get stronger and it will help them in other things as well.

But! Everything go against his plans…

When the marriage had to take the place they got to know that the bride has ran away…
And when they talked to the famiya they got toh know no body know where jiang Cheng went…

There where so many guest if they all got to know the bride has ran away the all respect of the lan clan will get destroyed so to handle this things they decided to tell them the bride's health is not good so the marriage will take place at gusu lan clan.

Lan qiren have send his soldiers to find the Jiang wanyin. Thing that he doesn't know Jiang wanyin is hiding in Jiang mansion by madam yu.

And just to show the people that they have taken the bride they got a son of soldier not a soldier but cheaf cultivator and the friend of Jiang famiya's son who has been living with the Jiang femily since his childhood.

But the things got wrong when they come to gusu the another group the right masters didn't know that the bride have got changed and they took them to the prayer hall and got them two married because they doesn't wanted that the good time for the marriage to ran away so they got them married.

And when the news got to the lan qiren his whole plan was destroyed by this lan bai yi.

But! But why didn't lan wangji said anything he knows that that boy is not Jiang wanyin… and-and that boy why did he got married to lan zhan?

"Ahh obviously for the power and money" lan qiren said in his mind.

After knowing the full situation they all where looking at lan bai yi that what will the big master lan will decide.

"The marriage have already taken the place lan wuxian is the lan furen from now on… no body can talk about him anything. And as the emperor himself have got married to the lan empress nobody can go against it… and about the hair we will get the meeting about it tomorrow" lan bai yi said and looked at everyone who also accepted his decision.

"Call the maid and took the empress to the jingshi and got him ready for the emperor" he said and some maids come and bowed to them and took the empress with them.

"Wangji" said master lan bai yi.

"Master" saying lan zhan bowed down to the master.

Lan bai yi come from his seat and put his hands on the wangji's shoulders and said…

"I know this marriage is so sudden for you… but I know that after knowing that person is not Jiang wanyin you accepted him and got married to him… so I'm accepting so much from you… I know much worthy you are and I also know that what I mean… spend you time with you wife and be a perfect husband like your father" lan bai yi said and called some male servents to take wangji to get ready and take to his jingshi…


How was the first part?

Hope you liked it!

And also understand my consept if didn't understand anything or want to know anything about them you can ask.

I will clear both lan zhan and weiying carecter in the another parts…

Hope you will enjoy…

I will try to update past.

Have nice day/night


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