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I wake up on my annoying alarm. I lazily press it to stop. I screech and get up from my bed. I never wake up at 7 am. Just because it's my wedding I'm getting up. I swear if Minho didn't get up at the same time.

I brush my teeth and do my skincare. I pay myself dry before taking a shower. The cold water touches my skin and wakes me up. I lather the shampoo on my hair and massage the conditioner.

I wear my bathrobe and dry my hair with the hairdryer. I sit on the dresser and wear a comfy t-shirt with grey sweatpants. I go downstairs to eat breakfast. "Good morning, honey" this is the first time my mom greeted me so lively. Maybe cause she will get rid of me soon.

I greet her a unemotional good morning. Aunt Yeji also joins the table. "Congrats honey." I smirk slightly. My sisters also congratulate me. I can't stay still but only think about that night at the Lee's. How Lee Minho' stopped me from going and how I saw him half naked and his abs.

I'm such a pervert. "Earth to kyurin." Ryunjin waves a hand infornt of my face. I realise I'm sloppily chewing on my toast. I apologise and eat like a human. I get up and go to my room for seeing the decoration stuff. I call one of my personal chauffers and send them the decoration pictures.

It's a luxury black looking venue. It has white chandeliers and white and red roses around the stage with black and white themes. I decide my makeup look and a bunch of other stuff which takes my 6 hours and I decide i should go out on lunch.

I wear a white shirt and a dungaree on top of it and i go down to ask my sisters to come with me. I'm treating them since my marriage. I know I'm being way too happy for being married with my enemy. But I just think of him like a rival and I don't hate him as much I used to hate him when we were kids.

I drive and we go to a restaurant which is 4 miles away from our house.
I enter with them and we all sit down at a table of 5. Me, Ryunjin and Lia order Alfredo sauce pasta since we love eating that since we were little.

Whole Yuna and Chaeryong wanted to eat something seafood. We order our food and wait. I hear a ding and see Minho's text. "See you tonight, dear wife.*wink emoji."

That's a bit too straightforward. I close my phone and don't reply him.
Our food comes and we start munching. "Sis, won't you kiss at the marriage." I choke a bit and regain my composure. "I'll play pretend." I joke well that was meant to be serious.

"No,but you will right?" Yuna adds again. "I hope not"  I say. We both finish our buisness and go back to our house. "Sis can I do your makeup?" Ryunjin offers. "And I'll do your hair" Lia joins in.

" Ok sure?" They beam with happiness. They go to their room for their stuff and i wait in my room. I apply some moisturizer on my skin for a base and scroll through my phone.

They both come out and while we are driving to the venue my phone dings. I see a notification on my phone.

Is this what your wearing? *Picture*. He put a picture of my wedding dress. How did he get that? Why should I tell you? I answer.  Because I wanna know how easy it is to take it off.

My lips part and I'm shook. This dude is out of his mind. Ew bro. Were did u even get my no.? I change the topic. He goes offline. Helooo? You there? I close the phone and almost get a shock from seeing my sister's peeking in my phone.

"Oh gosh! You gave me a heart attack!" They giggle. My glare shut them off. "Was that brother in law?" Lia asks. I hum

We reach the venue and we all go towards the makeup room.
Lia combs my hair and does my hair in a bun. Ryunjin applys primer and other base stuff.

"There you go." Lia leaves the bun and and looks at the mirror. "You like it?"'I nod and smile a bit. "You smiled! I've never seen you smile in so long." Ryunjin exclaims. She puts a bit of blush and finishes off with
Lipstick and setting spray.

"All done!" They both exclaim together. I look very pretty. I am. "We'll let you go to get changed." I get up and close the door of my room. I get the dress from the hanger and get changed.

Even though I am not that happy. I'm just happy that I will see hyunjin everyday which was hard cause I was very far from his castle. I zip up my dress and look in the mirror. I have never worn anything like this.

I see the time and there's only 1 hour before my wedding. I drink some water and go towards the hall which is outside the make-up room. My dad is in a black suit and my mom is in a green knee length dress. My  sisters are my bridesmaids and Minho's brothers are his groomsmen. My sisters are wearing a silver dress with a subtle slit. My aunt is also present and my mother looks very jealous since she never came on her own wedding but my wedding.

She smiles warmly and i bow slightly. I sit in the middle and my sisters are beside me. "I think the Lee's have come." And that's my cue to leave. I go in the makeup room leaving my sisters. The footsteps are getting closer and i hear my parents mumbling something and i can't her anything.

I see the veil and I wear it lightly only covering my hair a bit. I sit down and wait until they're gone. It's about 1 hour left until my wedding and finally they leave.

I come out and hold out my dad's hand. We bothe walk towards the aisle and I'm feeling waay to emabressed cause I'm marrying a guy i hate and the whole royalty knows it.

I look at Minho and he looks lost in me. I walk on the aisle and everybody starts clapping. The flower girls aka my sister start throwing flowers. The spotlight is on me and my soon to be husband.

I hate it but I love it. Maybe I am in love but i hate it. I stand face to face with him. The priest says to say our vows. Minho starts first. "I, Lee Minho, son of Lee Maejin and Lee Yuri, vows to respect and love you all my life." Now it's my turn. I inhale and say mine. "I, Shin Kyurin,  daughter of Shin Mujin and Shin Woorin, vow to love and respect you all my life."

The priest asks. "Do you take Lee Minho as your husband?" I nod and say "I do." He asks Minho. "Do you take Shin Kyurin as you wife?" He nods and says "I do " before he can say what he should say I interrupt.

"Let's keep it professional here." The priest nods and backs off. "Now I declare you both as husband and wife." I smile and look at the crowd.

Minho offers me his hand and i forcefully take it. We walk down the aisle and go towards the cake. We cut the cake together and im not a big fan of vanilla which is served in most weddings so we ordered choclate.

Everybody claps yet again. We part our ways and go to our makeup areas. I sit down exhausted and my mother looks very happy. I'm welcomed by a chorus of Congrats. I pay back before going towards the stage again.

We have to sit there and accept gifts. I sit beside Minho. "You look pretty" he mumbles which i hear. "I know" i mumble. Soon after we are getting gifts and I'm so tired my smiling. I will have smile lines by tomorrow I think.

I look at my mom and she motions that there are a few more. After about 1 hour it's finally done. Now the flower throwing thingy is left and dinner at the Lee's which only the groom and bride will have. It's 9pm and I'm starving.

Minho and his brother are standing infront of me and my sisters are standing behind me including my other cousins and nephew. I turn back and hold the bouquet upwards I count to three and throw it.

I hear cheers and when I turn around I see Ryunjin holding the bouquet she looks more shocked than ever. I smile so bright that the sun is jealous. I look at hyunjin and say. "I give you permission, boy" I put my hand over his head. He smiles and walks towards Ryunjin while i stand beside him.

After a bunch of photos we finally bid goodbye to our parents and my sisters bawl seeing me leave. I wave a bye and get in the car with Minho.

I look out the window and i mutter something while he parks the car.
"My leg.." I say. He opens the door for me and once I get out. He picks me up in bridal style

The butterflies have successfully taken over my stomach

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