Chapter 8

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The Midnight Sun

The next morning the ton woke up to the strange paper that was brought into their house the previous night. A varying display of reactions from those who received it. Some where intrigued, other fearful with the fact it came in the night.

At the Rowlington house Louis was the first awake. "My lord, a paper arrived last night." A soft spoken maid said as he came down the stairs. A confused look crossing his face but he nodded some. "Who brought it?" He asked her with curiosity in his voice. "I do not know sir, it just showed up...whoever it brought it was wandering around the ton in the darkness."

"Sounds poetic." Josephine said behind Louis as she descended the stairs. Louis turned to look at his sister. "Of course it would sound like poetry to you, sister." He couldn't help ut chuckle. She walked down further, taking the paper of Louis's hands, eyes skimming over the words.

"Well it's poetic and potential a romantic idea. A stranger in the night, causing no harm by lantern light. Papers left at the doors of the high class, tales of things that have yet to pass. A life that sounds better then the one in which you are trapped. To find the better world you must make the paper unwrapped."

Louis looked at his sister with gentle eyes. "That was good sister, did you just come up with that?" He asked as she continued past him, her eyes on the paper. "Yes, clever aren't I?" She teased. Louis chuckling as he followed after her, leaning over her shoulder to read the paper as well. "Very." He replied to her question. Josephine's eyes going over the words, the sketches placed in them.

Estella finally decided to read the paper, having thrown it aside angrily last night at being awoken, the woman not liking to have her sleep interrupted. She grabbed the paper and a cup of coffee, moving to the drawing room to sit down. Her eyes skimming the words on the paper, at first she wasn't going to as she feared it would be nothing more then a Lady Whistledown wannabe.

But slowly a smile crossed her face as she read the words, this was far more appealing then what Lady Whistledown rights. This paper had substance and didn't focus on the gossip around the ton, the fact that the writers seemed to go out of their way to correct some facts made her want to believe what was written. She had found the paper that spoke to her, words written that meant more them just who was being scandalized.

Estella felt a form of happiness at seeing Josephine's name written in the page, a hopeful redemption perhaps? She could only hope so.

Molly walked down the stairs of the house to see her friend already there, Clara, holding a newspaper. "They left one at each house." The blonde girl said with a small hum. Molly's eyebrows pinched in confusion. "What are you going on about?" She asked. Clara holding the paper up to show her. "That doesn't look like a Lady Whistledown." Molly said as she grabbed the paper. "What's The Midnight Sun?" She asked with confusion in her voice.

"I do not know, it is a new paper. This was brought in the middle of the night, at each house." Clara said as she looked at her friend. "They speak of truth. What if they learn something that no one should know?"
"Do you have secrets Clara?" Molly pulled her eyes away from the paper to look at the slightly taller girl. "Everyone has secrets Molly."

Robert was reading the paper that morning, he wondered about the two mysterious names signed at the bottom of the page. The man folded it back up and placed it to the side. The politics they were indulging was not one he was that intrested, perhaps he would give the paper another chance once they were better established and had more then just a greeting to print with some words he wasn't sure about believing in.

Philip didn't pay no mind to the paper that arrived at his doorstep, assuming it was nothing more then another scandal sheet even if this one tried to be more appealing in looks and proper. So the man threw it aside on his desk, not bothering to even take note of the name as he headed out for the day. But as it went he heard whispers of the mysterious paper, some men looked astonished and disgusted while the younger women rushed towards each other, brandishing the paper happily.

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