Chapter 4

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The knight..she refused

Josephine turned around to see Nigel behind her. "Please leave me alone." Her voice was soft but had a edge to it as she slowly got to get feet, not allowing him to catch her so vulnerable as she would be on the ground. "You fight so hard Josephine, why not give into what you desire?" Nigel said as he stalked closer to her.

The scoff that left her caught him off guard. "Is that supposed to be you? I've turned down and evaded more desirable men." She said with mock confidence. "You are about as desirable as having the clap." She held her head high as she spoke.

The world blurred as she felt a sharp sting and found herself sprawled on the ground, her cheek stinging as she quickly looked up towards Nigel. "They were right about are nothing but a bitch who needs to learn her place." He snarled at her.

He knelt down beside her, his hand going to grip her thigh. "" Josephine said softly as she tried to push him away. His grip tightened, she was sure that it would leave some bruises. "No one will hurt me again.." She whispered. Nigel moving his hand up, her dress going with it but he paid no mind to her words as his eyes moved to focus on her slowly exposed legs. "No man will ever hurt me again." She said louder, fist balling up as she looked at him, striking out.

Her punch was sold across his face, momentarily giving her the chance to run. She scrambled to her feet as she started to run towards the house, a hand closing around her ankle as he jerked her back to the ground, he moved over her. She felt disgusted as she felt the weight of his body on top of hers.

"Hel-" She screamed but was cut off by his hand going over her mouth. "Be quite. You need to learn respect." He hissed out, his free hand started to roam her body as tears filled her eyes.

Nigel was thrown off her from a forceful kick. The man, if you could call him that, groaning in pain. He looked over with a furious look in his eyes but that was replaced by fear when he saw Brandon looking at him with distaste in his eyes. "No, you are the one who needs to learn respect. Who treats a woman in such a manner? You are lucky to be leaving her with just a few scrapes but if I ever see you simply look at Miss Josephine Rowlington, you will regret it." His voice was low and dark as he stared at Nigel.

"Now, leave before I change my mind about allowing it." Nigel got to his feet, his eyes flickering towards the ground where Josephine was, tears flowing down her face in silent sobs. "What did I say about looking at her?!" Brandon grabbed Nigel by the front of his shirt. "M-my apologizes, your grace." He stammered nervously.

"Get out of here..I am not the one you need to apologize to but I rather not have you speaking to her." Brandon loosened his hold though he wished he could continue wailing on him, teach him a lesson on how to treat people but Lady Danbury probably won't appreciate him returning bloody.

Nigel hurried away, leaving Josephine and Brandon. The man turned to look at the lady he rescued. The defiance seemed to have drained out of her, the fight was gone leaving behind a scared and vulnerable girl who was taken advantage of. 

"Josephine?" He spoke so softly to her, making her bow her head even more to hide the tears that fell. He knelt down in front of her, he moved a bit closer. "It is perfectly reasonable to cry, you don't need to be ashamed. Anyone who has just had what happened to you happen would cry." He reached out, placing his hand gently on her shoulder.

Brandon was waiting for the girl to pull away, waiting for her to slap his hand off of her. If that's what she wanted to do so be it. If she wanted to scream at him and hit him he would allow it, if that's what would make her feel better. But that never came, instead she slumped down at the touch, the stiffness in her shoulders disappearing. 

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