Chapter 5

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Gentlemen callers

The next day after the ball young ladies around the ton anxiously awaited the gentlemen callers that would visit. But Josephine paced anxiously, the confusion and conflict that filled her mind plagued her. "Come now dear, we must head to the drawing room." Ida told her, pulling her daughter along with her.

Phoebe sat in her drawing room, the young girl working on a needle point project her mother wished for her to do. A few suitors have come and gone, a few have been memorable but no one who really stuck out to her as someone she would wish to marry.

Emilio was walking as he was suppose to go to a young lady that he wished to court. As of now he had no one in mind but he decided to go to Phoebe's house, as the two danced the previous night they had become friends. He would rather spend time with a friend then wandering around.

He was let into the room, Phoebe standing up when he entered as she looked towards him with confusion. "My lord." She greeted him as she curtsied towards him. They were left alone in the room. "Please it's Emilio." He said simply as he sat down.

Phoebe sat back down as she looked over at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked a bit confusion in her voice. "I just wanted to be with a friend. Everyone in my house is trying to get me to me to go courting, yet I'm unsure of the young women around here."

She gave him a sympathetic look. "If you would like I can help you." She offered, wanting to spend some time with him. For Phoebe has fallen for him yet he hasn't seemed to fall for her as well. So she would be willing to help him to just be around him. Emilio offered her a smile. "That would be lovely, thank you Phoebe." He said with appreciation showing in his voice.

Louis was  out on a walk as his mother had asked him to step out for the first meeting with suitors since some men found Louis intimidating and that's without them trying to court his sisters. Confusion crossed his face as he approached a face he knew yet the person he didn't.

"Miss Di Giovanni." He greeted her with a smile on his face, it was faint but it was there. Her beautiful eyes turned up to him. "My Lord Rowlington." She greeted him politely abd properly. "Shouldn't you be at home awaiting suitors?"

"That is a very forward question, Lord Rowlington, but I do not wish to be there. Shouldn't you be with your sisters." Estella stated for no other reason then she just really didn't want to meet the men who wished to marry her. His eyes held some understanding. "I was asked to leave so I would not scary the young men away, but I'm sure Josephine can handle that." He chuckled softly.

Estella's eyes soft as she hummed softly. "I don't think you could scare them away. You are not as scary as you think you are, my lord." Louis couldn't help but smile a bit. "But you have not seen me protecting my family, that is when I'm scary." He added, the two starting to walk together as they fell into conversation.

The two spoke amongst themselves as they learned more about each other, well Estella learned more about him then he did of her as she preferred it that way, Louis to much of a gentleman to press her for answers she wouldn't want to say. That's when a young boy, selling the scandal sheets ran up, offering one to Estella which she politely took. Before she could pay for it Louis gave the boy some money.

Estella looked towards him and smiled. "Thank you." She spoke softly as she opened the paper. Her eyes skimming the words before she looked towards Louis, slowly offering him the paper.

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