Tk and rhyme truth or dare

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Rhymes pov
I moved bac TK to ataway yesterday, in fact a few people did. We're having a a party to celebrate tonight with mine and harmony's friends. I saw TK coming back yesterday, Indio still quite fancy him but there's no way he'd like me so I think I should just give up,trying with him. I know people might say I have up to easily and,they might be right, but I'm trying to protect my fellings so they don't,get hurt. Harmony looks at me and says " why don't you just tell TK how you fell". I,say " because if I do, and he dosent fell the ale way I'd be crushed, I don't want to be hurt again by him, I was crushed when he went to Texas and didn't reply to my letters, I'd rather be his friend then make it awkward, I do t want to lose him again that would be to,painful, ounce was hard enough". Harmony hugs me and says " hey it's okay, if he dosent fell the same way then it's his loss, you're absolutely beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have you". I hug her and say " thanks harms, you should tell walker how you fell, you clearly like him".

Tks pov
I'm getting ready to play truth or dare, rhyme is the one for me, we're better friends then we ever have been. My biggest regret is going to Texas with dad. If I get dared to do anything with my crush then obvliosly im going to choose rhyme. I arive at Rooney and Quinn's, there are a few interesting moments, birdie kissing Quinn and pk kissing poppy. Flash looks a,t me and says " truth or dare TK". I say " dare". He smiles and,says " I dare you to go into the spare bedroom with you're crush and stay there for seven minuites do what you want". I'm going to kill him. I get up and reach for rhymes hand she looks suprised but takes it . We go into the room and,I say " rhyme I never stoped loving you". Sh3 says " TK,I fell the same way , I was so scared to tell you, now we've got six minuites do what you want to, I promise I'll enjoy it". I kiss her ,she kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck, I wrap mine around her waist and I pick her up a bit. I walk her back home and she kisses me and says " TK are we back together". I say " rhyme mcadams will you be my girlfriend again". She kisses me and says " obvliosly it's a yes".

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