a surprise anniversary

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As the sun dipped below the horizon at Seaside Serenade, casting a soft, golden glow over the beach, Cody Rhodes glanced at the calendar in sudden realization—it was their one-year wedding anniversary. In the hustle of everyday life, both he and Victoria had completely forgotten the date. Seeing Victoria absorbed in her music in the studio, Cody saw a perfect opportunity to make the day memorable despite the oversight.

With a plan forming, Cody began to prepare a surprise beach picnic right behind their home. He gathered everything they would need—soft blankets, a basket filled with Victoria's favorite snacks, a bottle of fine wine, and a portable speaker to play their favorite songs.

As Victoria emerged from the studio, stretching and yawning, she noticed the picnic setup but didn't immediately catch on. "What's all this?" she asked, a playful curiosity in her tone.

Cody, with a cheeky smile, replied, "Well, since we both spaced on remembering a pretty important day, I thought we might celebrate our first anniversary with a sunset picnic. Just us and the sea."

Victoria's face lit up with surprise and joy. "Our anniversary! Oh my, I can't believe we both forgot!" She rushed over to give him a quick peck on the cheek. "This is why I married you. Always full of surprises."

"Give me five minutes to get ready," she added, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Soon after, they were hand-in-hand, walking out to the beautifully set picnic spot on the sand. Cody had laid out everything perfectly: a cozy blanket, candles flickering in the gentle evening breeze, and their favorite love songs playing softly in the background.

Sitting down, Victoria was visibly moved. "Cody, this is beautiful. How did you pull it together so quickly?"

Pouring them each a glass of wine, Cody raised his in a toast. "To us, to our first year, and to many more just like it. Happy anniversary, love."

They clinked glasses, the sound mingling sweetly with the lapping waves nearby. Victoria squeezed his hand, her eyes sparkling. "A year ago, we promised to build a life together, and every day since has been a step in our beautiful journey. I wouldn't change a thing."

"Neither would I," Cody said, his voice warm with affection. "We've had our challenges, but every moment spent with you is worth it. Here's to us, overcoming more and loving deeper."

As the sun set completely, casting a palette of purples and oranges across the sky, they shared their meal, reminiscing about their wedding day and all the moments that had defined their first year of marriage. Each memory brought laughter or a tender nod, reinforcing the bond they shared.

After the meal, Cody stood and extended his hand. "May I have this dance, Mrs. Rhodes?"

Victoria smiled, accepting his hand as he led her to a spot where the sand met the water's edge. They danced there under the emerging stars, the night perfectly still around them, save for the music and the gentle surf.

"You know," Cody whispered as they swayed, "forgetting our anniversary just means we're living in the moment so much that dates don't matter. But making up for it? Now that's something special."

Victoria laughed, resting her head against his chest. "Let's agree to forget more often if this is how we make up for it. But maybe set a reminder for next year, just in case."

The rest of the evening was spent in the glow of their makeshift candlelight, talking, dancing, and planning for the future. Their first anniversary, though initially forgotten, turned out to be an unforgettable celebration of their love, filled with laughter, affection, and the promise of many more years of happiness together at Seaside Serenade.

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