a candid lens

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The day after their restful pause post-Grammy celebrations, a surprise package arrived for Victoria Monét, adding an unexpected sparkle to their routine. One of her closest friends had sent a thoughtful congratulations gift—a sleek, high-end digital camera. The gift came with a heartfelt note: "For all the memories you'll continue to make. Capture every moment. Congratulations again!"

Victoria was touched by the gesture, and as she turned the camera over in her hands, an idea began to take shape. With a new creative spark, she shared her plan with Cody. "What if we do a Q&A together? We could answer questions from fans and give them a little insight into our lives, especially after all the Grammy excitement," she proposed, enthusiasm lighting up her eyes.

Cody, always supportive of her innovative ideas, agreed with a nod and a smile. "Let's do it. It sounds like fun, and it'll be a cool way to engage with your fans and maybe even mine."

Excited by the project, Victoria quickly took to Instagram to announce the Q&A session. She invited her followers to send in their questions, promising an honest and fun peek into their lives. The response was overwhelming; questions poured in, ranging from inquiries about her music process to their routines as new parents and everything in between.

Later that day, they set up a cozy corner in their living room for the filming session. The camera was positioned on a tripod, and soft lighting filled the space, creating a warm, inviting atmosphere. They settled down, Hazel happily ensconced in a nearby bassinet, occasionally cooing or gurgling, adding her own charm to the session.

"Hey everyone, it's Victoria Monét, and this is Cody Rhodes, and today we're answering some of the questions you sent us on Instagram," Victoria began, her voice cheerful as she introduced their little project.

One of the first questions was about how they balanced their demanding careers with their personal life, especially after the birth of Hazel. Cody took the lead on this one, explaining, "It's all about teamwork and communication. We make sure to support each other and share responsibilities. And of course, days like yesterday, our lazy days, help us recharge and focus on our family."

Victoria nodded, adding, "And it's important to us that we keep things as normal as possible for Hazel. We love what we do, but being parents and partners comes first."

Another fan asked about the inspiration behind Victoria's Grammy-winning album. She smiled widely as she recounted the creative process, the challenges she faced, and the personal stories that fueled her songwriting. "Each song has a piece of my journey, my emotions, and experiences. Sharing that with the world and seeing your response has been incredible," she shared, her eyes sparkling with passion for her craft.

As the session continued, they answered questions about their favorite movies, their go-to date night activities, how they met, and their plans for the future. Cody's humor shone through, especially when he joked about his less-than-stellar cooking skills, which made Victoria laugh and agree to take on more of the culinary duties.

The Q&A wrapped up with a sweet note from a fan asking what they hoped Hazel would learn from them. Victoria's response was thoughtful and full of hope. "I want her to learn kindness, resilience, and the joy of pursuing her passions, whatever they may be. And to always know that we're here for her, no matter what."

With a final wave and a promise to do more videos in the future, they ended the recording. As they reviewed the footage, both felt a profound sense of fulfillment. Not only had they connected with their fans in a new and personal way, but they had also created a beautiful snapshot of their current lives—a memory captured in time, thanks to a thoughtful gift and a spontaneous idea.

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