harmony in better days

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The recording studio was alive with a palpable sense of purpose as Victoria Monét and Ariana Grande prepared to record their heartfelt collaboration, "Better Days." The song, a powerful anthem imbued with themes of hope and resilience, resonated deeply with both artists. The session was not just about creating music but about sending a meaningful message during tumultuous times.

Nestled within the cocoon of the high-tech studio, surrounded by sophisticated equipment and a team of seasoned sound engineers, Victoria and Ariana meticulously adjusted every detail of the track. The melody of "Better Days" was uplifting, designed to inspire and comfort, while the lyrics spoke to a longing for peace and positive change in a world marred by conflict.

As the day progressed, Victoria and Ariana dove deep into the emotional core of the song. Their voices blended beautifully, conveying both vulnerability and strength—a musical embodiment of their shared vision for a better future. Each take brought them closer to the perfect expression of their message, with the engineers tweaking the sound to capture every nuance.

The atmosphere in the studio was one of collaboration and mutual respect. Between takes, Victoria and Ariana discussed their hopes for the song's impact, expressing a desire to connect with listeners on a personal level and to encourage a broader dialogue about societal issues. They shared stories of their own experiences and discussed how these personal reflections shaped the song's creation.

As the recording session wrapped up, both artists felt a profound sense of accomplishment. They had not only created a song but had forged a piece of art that could potentially influence and uplift those who heard it. The day ended with a sense of eager anticipation, as they looked forward to sharing "Better Days" with the world, hopeful that their music could indeed herald the better days they envisioned.

After the intense and fulfilling recording session, Victoria Monét returned to Seaside Serenade, her spirit buoyed by the productive day. As she walked through the door, the familiar, comforting sights of home greeted her. The soothing sound of the ocean waves in the background and the warm, inviting atmosphere were a stark contrast to the high energy of the studio.

The sight that caught her eye first was Cody and Hazel on the floor in the living room, engaged in their daily tummy time ritual. Cody looked up with a smile as Victoria entered, his face lighting up. "Hey, you're back! How did it go?" he asked, shifting slightly so Victoria could join them on the floor.

Victoria settled down beside them, her gaze softening as she watched Hazel push up on her arms, her little face concentrated and curious. "It was amazing," she replied, her voice filled with excitement. "Ariana and I finished 'Better Days.' It's powerful, Cody. It really feels like it could make a difference."

Cody nodded, his expression proud. "I can't wait to hear it. I know how much you've put into this." He then shared how his day had been, describing his training session and how he managed to spend quality time with Hazel, keeping her entertained and happy. "We've been having a blast, haven't we, Hazelnut?" he chuckled, gently tickling Hazel, eliciting giggles from her.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, with Victoria sharing more details about the nuances of the recording process and the deep discussions she had with Ariana. They talked about the hopes they harbored for the song and how it might resonate with listeners around the world.

Cody listened intently, his eyes reflecting his admiration for Victoria's passion and dedication. "It sounds like you're not just making music, Vic. You're making a movement," he remarked thoughtfully.

Victoria smiled, touched by his words. "That's the goal. Music has the power to heal, to unite, and to inspire change. I hope 'Better Days' does just that."

As the evening wore on, the family enjoyed a simple dinner together, the conversation turning to lighter topics and plans for the coming days. They discussed Cody's upcoming matches and Victoria's promotional plans for the new song. Despite the demands of their careers, they were committed to making the most of their time together, ensuring that their family remained their top priority.

The day ended as it had started, with the family together, sharing moments of joy and contentment. As Victoria put Hazel to bed, she felt a deep sense of gratitude for her life—her career, her family, and the love that surrounded her. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, hoping for better days, just like the song envisioned.

Victoria lays in bed with her book of lyrics. She sings the lyrics of the song that they just recorded.

Baby, there's a war right outside our window
(Don't you hear the people fighting for their lives?)
Baby, there's a war right outside our window
But it's gon' be alright 'long as I got you with me

Cody is in Hazel's room in the rocking chair and rocking her to sleep as he hears his wife sing.

In your arms, I find my shelter
Deep in your love, I will hide
Baby, you and me stop the world when we're together

Cody gets up with Hazel in his arms walking to the bedroom that he shares with his wife

You find a way to take my mind
Hoping for better days, better days
Days where things are better
Hoping for better days, better days
Need some better days
Hoping for better days, better days
Days where things are better
Hoping for better days, better days
Need some better days...

He lays in the bed with the 2 month old.
I can hear the sirens right outside our window
And I can hear the children crying while their mothers cry
I'm praying for the people right outside our window
Hoping they find peace at night, just like you and me
In your arms, I find my shelter
Deep in your love, I will hide
Baby, you and me stop the world when we're together
You find a way to take my mind

Hazel slowly starts to fall asleep.

Hoping for better days, better days
Days where things are better
Hoping for better days, better days
Need some better days
Hoping for better days, better days
Days where things are better
Hoping for better days, better days
Need some better days.

Everyone falls sleep together with hope for a better day.

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