Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

When Andy got to her car she sighed, thankful that was over with. Now she needed to decide if she should go to the police or not. She drove to her apartment but paused before getting out of her car. She knew if she told anyone about this, they would tell her to go to the cops, but she was already depressed and she knew if she was alone, it would make her depression worse. Fuck! This is all so fucking fucked up.

Andy decided that she didn't want to go anywhere else. She was already at her apartment and figured she should just go in and lay in bed. She was sitting in her car for over an hour when she finally decided that going home and to bed might be the best idea for right now. She would think about going to the cops tomorrow.

When Andy got into her apartment she just went straight to her bedroom. She took off her shoes and was about to climb into bed when she heard a knock on her front door. She sighed and took her time walking to the door.


Earlier at the station, shortly after Andy left the hospital.

Maya was in her office when she got a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Maya called and when the door opened, she looked up and immediately smiled when she saw her girlfriend. "Carina! What are you doing here?"

Carina smiled, pulled Maya into a hug, and leaned back and kissed her. Maya smiled into the kiss and was the one who pulled back.

"I missed you and wanted to see you. I also needed to ask you about one of your firefighters."

"Aw. So sweet." Maya teased.

"Yeah. Yeah." Carina rolled her eyes. "But seriously. Do you know that a firefighter came into the ER earlier?"

Maya looked surprised. "No. No, I didn't." Maya furrowed her eyebrows. "Do you know who it was?"

Carina hesitated. She knew that Andy was her girlfriend's best friend and wasn't sure how she would take the news. "I do."

"Please stop the suspense, Car. Who was it?" Maya pleaded, her worry growing.

"It was Andy, Maya. She looked around the ER probably hoping she would avoid anyone she knew. She thought I didn't see her but I did. She went off with Meredith somewhere after she ran into her. I wanted to follow but I figured she wanted her privacy since she avoided me. It looked like she wanted to avoid anyone she knew." Carina explained and Maya's face turned into a frown. "I can try to find out why she's there." Carina was going to continue but she got cut off by Maya.

"No, It's okay." Maya shook her head. "I'll go and talk to her." Maya grabbed Carina's hand. "I'll see you tonight?" Maya asked Carina and when she saw her nod she led Carina out the station's front door before rushing to the back parking lot to go over to Andy's, quickly typing a text to Jack to take charge as captain.

Maya got to Andy's apartment, rushed up the stairs and knocked.


Andy opened the door and was surprised when she came face to face with Maya.

"What are you doing here, Maya?" Andy asked her, growing nervous.

"Can I come in? I doubt this is a conversation you want your neighbours to possibly hear." Maya asked, biting her lip, suddenly nervous herself since Andy and she haven't been on good terms.

Andy just opened the door more, letting Maya in before closing it. "What are you doing here?" Andy asked again.

"I heard from Carina that you were at Grey-Sloan shortly after I let you leave the station." Andy looked down and moved further into her apartment to sit on her couch. "What happened, Andy? Are you okay?"

Andy continued to look down as Maya sat beside her. Andy wasn't saying anything so Maya put a hand on Andy's thigh, hoping to bring her some comfort but was surprised when Andy jerked her leg away.

"Andy. I need you to tell me what's going on so I can help you." Maya tried to reason with Andy.

Andy shook her head. "I can't."

"Of course, you can Andy. You know you can trust me." Maya watched Andy continue to shake her head. "Andy, I know we're on rocky terms right now, but I need to know what's going on so I can help you get through whatever you're going through."

Andy looked up, taking a couple of breaths and then she turned to look at Maya. Maya was shocked to see a tear run down her cheek.

"Andy, please talk to me." Maya wiped the tear off of Andy's cheek. "What happened earlier?"

Andy looked down again and broke down into sobs. Maya was shocked but pulled her into her arms. Andy flinched but didn't try to pull away. Maya rubbed Andy's back and tried to calm her down. Whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

Maya and Andy had been in the same position for what felt like forever when Maya was getting a phone call. Maya sighed and pulled away. She watched as Andy wiped away her tears and answered the call.

"Hey, Chief," Maya said and she watched Andy tense and move away from her.

"Where are you, Captain?" Sullivan asked, anger clear in his voice, "You know you can't just leave in the middle of a shift."

"I know, Sir. I just wasn't feeling well after the last call we went on and I wanted to go to the hospital to get checked out." Maya explained, hoping he wouldn't yell at her.

"Fine. Report back later, got it?"

"Yes, Sir. Understood." Maya replied and then hung up the call. She closed her eyes for a minute, rubbing her forehead, trying to fight off her growing headache. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see that Andy was gone. She stood up and looked behind her into the kitchen when she heard what sounded like throwing up coming from what she assumed to be Andy's bathroom. She rushed through the apartment and walked into the bathroom, grabbing Andy's hair, and pulling it into a bun. Maya rubbed Andy's back and tried to help calm her down.

When Andy's breathing slowed, she collapsed back into Maya, needing comfort. She didn't care who she got it from, she just needed someone there for her right now. She shivered and Maya tightened her grip around Andy. She looked around the bathroom and noticed that there was a blanket on a shelf in the corner of the bathroom. She let go of Andy briefly and wrapped the blanket around Andy's shoulder and helped her up and got her into her bedroom. Maya helped Andy down onto the bed and lay down next to her.

Maya rubbed her back, hoping she would be able to help get Andy to sleep. After half an hour Maya heard Andy's breathing even out and she sighed. She was thankful Andy was asleep but she was still left with the question she had gone there to ask.

What the hell happened?

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