Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

TRIGGER WARNING (Refer to the tags if you haven't seen them already)!!!!!!

"I'm sorry," Dean started and caught the attention of everyone, "But why the hell is a new Lieutenant coming in instead of just a firefighter so no one needs to be demoted?"

"It seems kind of strange, right?" Ben asked. "Andy's worked her ass off to get to where she is."

"Guys, this isn't up for debate. Now back to work!" Ripley demanded and everyone scattered.

Everyone scattered to do their chores but Vic was extremely worried about Andy before she got demoted in front of everyone so she rushed up the stairs, checking all the bunks she couldn't find her. She looked in the beanery, the lounge and then she thought about how after hard days Andy would go out to the balcony they have. She rushed out and saw Andy in one of the corners, curled up, body shaking with silent sobs.

Vic's heart broke at the sight of the strong, badass firefighter in tears. Andy didn't deserve this.

Vic decided to sit down next to Andy and pull her into her arms and was grateful when Andy leaned into her touch instead of pulling away. "Shh, Andy. We'll figure this out, okay? It's going to be okay." Vic tried to reassure her, but Andy just continued to sob. Vic's heart was breaking into thousands of pieces. How long has she been holding in her emotions? Vic thought to herself. There was no way these tears were just about being demoted. It was just one thing after another for Andy.

Pruitt dying. Ryan being murdered. And while Andy thought she was being sly, Vic had also noticed that she had been interested in Sullivan and guessed that whatever it was they had gone wrong, and Andy was broken up about that. Sullivan being in a higher-ranking position is probably what caused any fallout or rejection that happened.

Vic looked down and saw that Andy's breathing was slowing down and that silent tears were just falling down her eyes. "Andy, I think we need to talk." Andy didn't say anything. "Andy," Vic turned Andy's face to look her in the eyes and almost gasped when she saw the lack of life in her eyes. "I don't know everything that's going through your mind right now, but I do know that I'll be here to help you through this, okay? You earned your Lieutenant bars. I refuse to believe they would just take them without a more detailed explanation." Andy just looked down. She knew she did. She knew she forced her dad's hand to officially get them, but she also knew that with all the work she had done, she deserved that promotion.

Andy looked back up at Vic, "I just want to be alone right now, Vic." Andy said and got out of Vic's grip and stood up. Vic stood up with her.

"I don't think you should be by yourself right now though, Andy." Vic tried to Andy.

"Vic, I appreciate the concern but I'm not a baby," Andy told her, walking past her and back into the beanery where she saw Sullivan and stopped dead in her tracks.

"Andy..." Robert tried to talk before Vic came back in and Robert stopped talking, not wanting Vic to hear what he had to say. "You two should get down to the barn and work on cleaning the rigs.

"Yes, Chief." Both women said and walked out of the room.

"Andy, please talk to me," Vic tried to stop Andy, but it didn't work and instead caused Andy to walk faster, almost running into Travis when she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Whoa, where's the fire, Herrera?" He asked, catching her before she fell over.

Andy didn't reply but just continued to the barn, grabbing a spray and a cloth while Vic talked to Travis.

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