🫠23) aihsaas...!🫠

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as the gold of glimmering light shone around, the grand and lively event of the dholki had finally concluded on a joyful note as bubbling giggles and sheer delight had finally come to a rest. When after the long, cheeful drive back to the havaili, a drive consisting of laughter and endless chatter from the energized kids, it was soon when the car went rolling through the gates and into the grand and awaiting havaili which seemed to be a breath of relief for the kids...

When as the halls went silant with kids rushing to change from their heavy attires and freshen up, it was admist the comfortable silence lacing through the havaili when sweet ringing and chiming of jewellery along with the swaying of a heavy attire went clouding the long halls in a tune...

Meerub, still dressed in shimmering orange as she had been the last to race over for freshening up and a much needed shower, with steps bouncing from tile to tile in a cheeful dance, went dashing and jumping delightfully towards her room. The girl's dainty hands clutching to her heavy attire while it swayed down her legs, while her curls bounced and jewellery chimed when rushing to no break...

Yet admist her racing state and bouncing steps, the dancing drum in meerubs chest refused to give her a break since the event at the dholki, while her stomach seemed to tie to knots from the repeating thought and amusing realization. As meerubs mind rushed and raced to no control, the scene which took place at the dholki and had left her creamy cheeks stained pink went clouding her head to only deepen that lingering blush at every sprinting thought...

Her glittering eyes wide and shooting around, brows gently furrowed and corners of meerubs pink painted lips curling just a hint to that lingering smile of sheer delight as her coloured face gleamed. While thoughts and the vivid scene raced endlessly, sending a gentle flutter down her form from every racing realization as it seemed the event stuck in her head had just taken place...

Since the beginning of this act, this drama, this play the two had agreed acting on, it seemed each day and encounter only went heightening the beating of her heart, the red of her blush and that wave of sheer delight which coursed through her form at his sight. It seemed now that the wheels of meerubs mind went turning regarding the growing and surprising rush of feelings which left her heart jumping, waves of realization came crashing down upon the amused and dumbstruck girl from the actual cause of them...

The glitter in his amusingly dark eyes, his charming, sweet smile which had her stomach fluttering, his words, his sneeky acts, his blazing hold which seemed to linger over her form after each intimate encounter, his burning gaze and even the lingering, mere fact of the way his huskey cologne flooded the air when the boy stood up close had meerubs head spinning, her heart missing a beat and that curve adorning her lips twisting wide in an instant...

As meerubs eyes lit up from the rush of thoughts and as her bouncy steps sped from the twisting of her stomach leaving her knees daring to fall weak, another thought and realization went flooding the race of her mind as it soon had meerubs breath hitching...

As the "kharus" and "saryal" "hero" of hers, the murtasim who called her out, ruined her master plans, got her scolded from anila, and seemed to be the sole villan of her story, now brought her stomach to knot from his warm touch, her heart to flutter from his sweet words, her knees to go weak at his gaze, and smile to go spreading to no control at his caring gestures... he didn't seem all that villainous anymore...

And as that thought clouded her mind in a neverending rush, the realization of just how close thier encounters were without the presence of kinza had meerubs chest heaving with heavy breaths, the realization of his sweet words and gestures being genuine having her heart missing a beat, and the fact of just how much joy now flooded her form from his laugh, his gaze, his words and when being just around his presence bringing meerubs eyes to go glittering in sheer delight...

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