New Gear

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(somewhere in the mountains)

Jiraiya: so Luffy whats this I hear about you having a new gear that could possibly rival canon baryon mode Naruto and possibly the version  of mastered ultra instinct goku in the manga currently?Luffy: hehe you heard right Jiraiya since I found t...

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Jiraiya: so Luffy whats this I hear about you having a new gear that could possibly rival canon baryon mode Naruto and possibly the version  of mastered ultra instinct goku in the manga currently?

Luffy: hehe you heard right Jiraiya since I found this new gear I have been training to master it and to say its strong is putting it simple as while gear 5 is a broken transformation thanks to it allowing me to gain access to the toon force gear 6 allows me to not only copy other peoples moves but their fighting style as well

Jiraiya: now that does sound interesting and how did you find out it allowed you to copy e moves of others?

Luffy: well I will admit I was watching some of Goku's and Naruto's past fights and while doing so I figured that hey I don't know what gear 6 is fully capable of so why not figure out what it could do and while doing so I decided to see if gear 6 would let me use the kamehameha or the rasengon and while at first I wasnt able to but I tried again but said gum gum before the move I was trying and it worked

Jiraiya: well then thats quite interesting there Luffy tho is the kamehameha and rasengon the only moves you can use or can you use other moves from other people as well?

Luffy: I'm not sure lets find out (goes gear 5)

Luffy: I'm not sure lets find out (goes gear 5)

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Jiraiya: um Luffy thats just gear 5

G5 Luffy: I know I have to enter gear 5 before I can enter gear 6

Jiraiya: ah thats interesting

G5 Luffy: here goes nothing (takes a deep breath and activates his armament haki) gear 6!

Jiraiya: um Luffy thats just gear 5G5 Luffy: I know I have to enter gear 5 before I can enter gear 6Jiraiya: ah thats interestingG5 Luffy: here goes nothing (takes a deep breath and activates his armament haki) gear 6!

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(god dame this is my longest chapter for sure)

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